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ICANN - Please Respect My Privacy

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN - Please Respect My Privacy
  • From: Jean-Philippe Steinmetz <caskater47@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 10:04:11 -0700

I have just been made aware of newly proposed guidelines that would put my
family and I at great risk.

Under the proposed guidelines domains that have "commercial activity" would
no longer be able to use privacy providers to protect WHOIS information.
"Commercial activity" is a vary vague term. It will undoubtedly be abused
to include everything from major online businesses to individuals like
myself whose domains are for free services such as blogs which use
advertising to pay the hosting costs.

Since I am not an actual business this new guideline will put my family at
great risk by exposing information that should be private; my personal home
address and phone numbers.

This proposal flies in the face of a Neutral Internet. I urge you to
continue respecting the privacy and safety of my family and reject this

Thank you for your consideration,

Jean-Philippe Steinmetz

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