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Proposed Privacy Rule Changes

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Proposed Privacy Rule Changes
  • From: Nikhil Kurapati <ntkurapati@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 07:22:37 -0500

To Whom It May Concern,
I am very upset by the proposed rule changes, and their implications.  It
is a hazard to free speech online if people feel they can't share their
opinions without their life in danger.  There are a ton of extremists
online that have no qualms about obtaining and publishing the private
personal information of bloggers who they disagree with, in an attempt to
harm them.  The opinions can be as simple as advocating for vaccines or
women's health or writing about vegan or alternative diets.  Many of our
U.S. political interests abroad in anti-democracy regimes rely on bloggers
and journalists, and if their privacy cannot be assured, their life will be
in danger.  While it is supposed to be limited to "commercial" sites, the
definition of commercial can be quite broad as bloggers rely on ads to
cover their operating costs.  DMCA is frequently abused by interest on
youtube to silence critics, even without valid copyright claim, and I know
this will be abused similarly. There are already methods available to
prosecute people infringing on copyright under due process, this would take
it too far. Please heed these warnings in your deliberations.

Thanks for your consideration,
Nikhil Kurapati

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