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ICANN - Respect Our Privacy

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN - Respect Our Privacy
  • From: Daniel <icann.taking.privacy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 16:36:21 +0930


I am very worried about the proposed rules changes governing companies that provide WHOIS privacy services (as set forth in the Privacy and Policy Services Accreditation Issues Policy document).

Why do you want to expose my personal details to all the Internet's criminal, unethical and aggressive sections? I can't see how allowing outlaws to hoover up everyone's personal details will bring a safer Internet. Law enforcement are already able to access this information when required.

Your proposal will be a large disincentive to the public registering domains. It will probably just encourage people to enter incorrect details in their registration. Is this not the opposite of what you are trying to achieve?

Private information should be kept private. Thank you.


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