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Support Formation of a CyberSafety Consituency on GNSO Council

  • To: "staff@xxxxxxxxx" <staff@xxxxxxxxx>, Heidi Ullrich <Heidi.Ullrich@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Support Formation of a CyberSafety Consituency on GNSO Council
  • From: Webmail ccobia <ccobia@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 17:30:17 -0800

Dear Heidi and the ICANN staff:

First of all I would like to thank you for considering that children need to be 
protected and also for your being open that a CyberSafety Constituency be 
formed.  Children and adults will thank you for generations for come.  I 
believe there have been many great moments in history and this is one of 
them--that through this simple act, it will be a voice for the unheard and 
sometimes unnoticed children throughout the world.  So many times, things which 
bring much revenue into society, become the "Golden Boy" that politicians and 
policy makers choose to not touch for fear they will kill the goose which is 
laying the golden eggs.  This will not impact industry revenue but it is much 
more important than revenue.  This more important than industry and business.  
This is more important than the lightning-fast advances technology is making.  
This is about our children and parents, and families.  This formation of a 
CyberSafety Constituecy is to create something that will leave a legacy which 
will be chronicled in history books throughout the ages.  Why?  Because, upon 
this foundation of CyberSafety for our children, will a proper, safe society 
continue to be built.  Even the most humble student of past civilizations will 
readily assert that which brought repeated cultures to their knees was that of 
total self-service and societal decadence.  Why?  Because when citizens don't 
think of serving others or producing something useful, they only think of 
themselves.  By protecting children through the formation of the newly proposed 
CyberSafety Constituency, we are serving a vulnerable portion of our society.

As part of this, not only do I recognize you, the ICAAN group (leaders and 
staff) for your willingness to consider such a critical proposal, but I would 
also like to thank Ralph Yarro from the CP80 foundation and Cheryl Preston for 
working tirelessly on these and other issues of great importance then 
communicating this information to me.

I would like to offer my services to help in the building of something to 
protect children, either by participating via a committee or subcommittee 
assignment, or however you like.  I have attached several documents which 
outline some of the activities in which we have been involved.  Than you for 
your consideration.


Craig Cobia, Ph.D.
Citizens for Decency
cell:  208-656-0100
president@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:president@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> or 

Attachment: bio_011209.docx
Description: bio_011209.docx

Attachment: UCD_Summary_022809.docx
Description: UCD_Summary_022809.docx

Attachment: Cobia_letter.pdf
Description: Cobia_letter.pdf

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