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Domain Tasting is being abused

  • To: domain-tasting-2008@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Domain Tasting is being abused
  • From: Ben Bradshaw <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:15:29 +1200

First of all thank you for the opportunity to comment on Domain Tasting.

The concept of tasting is not a bad one, however it is being badly abused by domain registrars themselves. I refer mostly to Network Solutions, however I am sure they are no the only ones. It is clear that Network Solutions has no intention of making a website on the domains they are registering, instead they lock the domain to themselves for the 5 day grace period. This practice damages the credibility of the Domain Name System. If a search of the DNS results in that domain being taken, who nobody will want to search it in case they lose their name.

I registered my domain through a registrar that does not follow this practice, in fact I searched many different names using a few New Zealand registrars before purchasing. I did not have to consider front-running, nor should I have to.

I do not see the potential benefits outweighing the potential issues with tasting. I would request either strict regulation of tasting to ensure honest testing and swift resolution of issues such as those with Network Solutions or preferably removal of the entire system. A paid grace period is also an option. A reduced cost for 5 days may reduce the mass registrations that plague the system.

I do not see the cost of a single domain name as substantial, especially when considering how much an advertiser can make. I am also biased due to the fact that I don't intent to taste a domain name, but I can suffer as a result of the system existing. I believe most individuals fall into this category however.

In summary, I would prefer to see the ability to taste removed, or at minimum restricted, either by cost or by control.

Thank you
Ben Bradshaw

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