Why not charge a small fee for short registrations?
Domain tasting is almost never used by those who legitimately want to host content on the web. ICANNs function is to regulate the domain name market, allowing for a fair provisioning of domain names. This fair provisioning ensures that clients respect the top level domain server system instead of using their own domain name systems and fragmenting the internet. Free registration in the guise of domain tasting entirely defeats the purpose of ICANN. If there is no cost to registrants there is no reason for registrants to choose names carefully and purposefully. The space of domain names is then at the mercy of whoever abuses domain tasting the most. The idea that domain tasting is a service to the community is laughable. The administration costs of these free domains are borne by legitimate users, none of whom benefit from the tasting. Indeed the tasting is likely to be used to extort unreasonable sums from them for domains they desire. If its desirable to allocate domains to registrants for short periods of time then the registrant should pay for it. Domain tasting is entirely contrary to ICANN's purpose. I urge ICANN to reconsider allowing free registration of any kind, lest the majority of the community see it in their interest to establish an alternative domain name structure. Scott Vallance. |