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Domain Tasting Motion

  • To: domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Domain Tasting Motion
  • From: "Pamela Jones" <pamelajones62@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:26:50 -0700

To Whom It May Concern:

I respectfully submit my comments on the domain tasting proposal by
the GNSO. While it appears there is some agreement around the need to
implement changes regarding domain tasting, it now appears that there
is a flurry of efforts, some of which may not be symbiotic. The 2008
Budget proposed by the Board includes removal of the ICANN fee waiver,
which similar to .org, should go well and beyond any steps necessary
to curb domain tasting from its current heights.

The GNSO seems premature and overarching in its recent efforts. I
believe the GNSO proposal was not supported in India and now there is
a new proposal which would bind every single Registry and Registrar.
The proposed policy by the GNSO is over-reaching and very well may be
beyond the prescribed role of the GNSO. The GNSO I believe must also
start acting along the lines of the new GNSO Improvements which are
less as a voting body and more as a consensus and community
facilitator. This policy and its process do not feel as such, the GNSO
is trying to push it through just like their old way of doing things.

I also believe there have been some legal and procedural questions
raised to the GNSO council about the ability to even consider such a
motion. I believe the public deserves an update on these before asked
to comment more fully on any proposed policy. Also, has anyone thought
about how the Board budgetary proposal of removal of the ICANN fee
waiver and the proposed GNSO policy will co-exist and not impede the
operating environment in a material way of all the registries and
registrars out there?

Respectfully yours,

Pamela Jones
Atlanta, GA

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