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Re: [dssa] "introductions" thread

  • To: "dssa@xxxxxxxxx" <dssa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [dssa] "introductions" thread
  • From: Mark Kosters <markk@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 18:39:06 +0000


Here is mine:

I've been involved in Network Information Center work dealing with domains
and ip allocations since 1991. Back in the '90's I wrote a lot of
infrastructure code, did a lot of core internet operations (like running a
and j root servers), and participated in a lot of evolutionary changes
(like the registrar/registry split). Also I was the Principle Investigator
for the InterNIC, Chief Engineer for Network Solutions, and a VP for
VeriSign. I did some dabbling also in protocol work having my name on a
few RFCs and participated in various ICANN committees dealing with
security and stability. For the past three years,  I've been employed as
the CTO of ARIN helping lead the charge in the evolution from IPv4 to IPv6.

I have no musical talent and I do enjoy my weekends getting my hands dirty
- working with my kids on their hobbies - running from restoring cars to
keeping up my small farm in Northern Virginia.


On 5/28/11 12:04 PM, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>hi all,
>as promised a minute ago, here's a little post to kick off our
>personal-introductions thread.  there are a couple of goals here;
>-- get to know each other a bit better.  this is a very cross-functional
>group so it is pretty unlikely that we all know each other.
>-- find out what skills and interests we each bring.  there is a lot of
>work to do and this will help us get it done.
>a few reminders.  brief posts are good.  clear language is good.
>here's mine:
>you can read my bio here -- http://www.haven2.com/index.php/bio -- here's
>the first paragraphŠ
>"I'm a community organizer, entrepreneur and tech-geek turned
>business-leader type person. I became moderately famous here in Minnesota
>(USA) as one of the people who popularized the Internet back in the
>mid-90¹s. These days I divide my pretty-retired time between being a
>domain-investor (I've still got about a half-dozen great domain names to
>figure out), volunteering on a variety of local and regional broadband
>policy bodies, participating in various working groups at ICANN,
>restoring 420 acres of Wisconsin farmland to the state it was in prior to
>agriculture (www.APrairieHaven.com), helping out at a variety of local
>non-profits and learning the craft of furniture making"
>so i'm a happily-retired geek.
>my interest in DSSA is non-technical.  i have been responsible for online
>security in a variety of ways
>-- i was the administrative CIO of the University of Minnesota
>-- i helped develop a security strategy and program for a 50-campus
>university system at "the other" university system in Minnesota, MnSCU.
>-- i owned an ISP
>-- i'm working on broadband security and stability issues at the state
>level here in Minnesota
>i'm pretty good at small to mid scale project management
>i'm pretty good at negotiation and finding consensus views
>i'm REALLY good at playing blues and rock n'roll keyboards.  :-)
>how about you?
>- - - - - - - - -
>phone  651-647-6109
>fax            866-280-2356
>web    http://www.haven2.com
>handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google,

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