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Support the creation of a reevaluation procedure in the fast-track

  • To: fast-track-review-2010@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Support the creation of a reevaluation procedure in the fast-track
  • From: <krum.jonev@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:48:31 +0200

I support the creation of a reevaluation procedure in the fast-track.

Then Bulgaria will be able to resubmit its application and specify two rules that would satisfy the dns stability group:

1. All names in the .бг (.bg) idn cctld must be registered only with cyrillic letters. 2. All names in the .бг (.bg) idn ccltd must contain at least one letter, which can be visually distinguished from the Latin alphabet (one of the letters: б, г, д, ж, и, й, л, п, ф, ц, ч, ш, щ, ъ, ь, ю, я).

I really think those two rules will leave everybody satisfied- bulgarian people will get their so much wanted idn ccltd, and the stability group will be calm that there will be no posibilities of confusion.


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