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Review of fast-tracking approval process

  • To: fast-track-review-2010@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Review of fast-tracking approval process
  • From: Alek Lynge <alekl@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 12:07:12 +0200

I have the following comment:

   - I strongly urge you to implement a re-evaluation option of IDN ccTLDs.

As I've read through the case of the bulgarian IDN ccTLD: .бг vs. br. and
specifically the comments by: George Todoroff & Ludmil Minkov of the 30th.
november 2010 which sound rather logical and well motivated considering this
specific case.
As for the decision making it would seem more appropriate to leave some room
for a re-evaluation or appeal, exactly to consider more viewpoints for the
greater good of the internet public.

Best Regards

Alek Lynge

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