FW: [gnso-acc-sgb] FYI: CALL SUMMARY Sub group B, 2 May, 2007
Dear all, Apologies, attachment with this email - it's a re-send of Milton's template from earlier in the week. All the best, Maria _____ From: owner-gnso-acc-sgb@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-acc-sgb@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Maria Farrell Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 12:43 PM To: gnso-acc-sgb@xxxxxxxxx Subject: [gnso-acc-sgb] FYI: CALL SUMMARY Sub group B, 2 May, 2007 Dear sub group members, Attached is a brief summary of this sub group's conference call yesterday. I had a problem with the software that monitors who's on the call, so if you participated but aren't in the list of participants, please email me off-list and I'll amend the record. Best regards, Maria Farrell Sub group 4b Conference call 2nd May 2007 Participants: Milton Mueller (sub group Chair) Avri Doria Bertrand de la Chapelle Dan Krimm Palmer Hamilton Doug Isenberg Carole Bird Philip Sheppard Michael Warner Margie Milam Ross Rader Patrick Kane John Levine Ken Stubbs David Fares Steve Metalitz David Maher Susan Kawaguchi Denise Michel Maria Farrell Glen de Saint Gery Scope of work Reminder: this sub group's scope of work follows item 4b of the WG Charter. The sub group needs to compile information on options to: "Determine how and which legitimate third parties may access registration data that is no longer available for unrestricted, public, query-based access." 1 Logistics arrangements There will be 2 further teleconferences of this sub group: - May 9 and 16 at same time. The mailing list of the group is: gnso-acc-sgb@xxxxxxxxx 2 Template for proposals Milton Mueller had already prepared a template for proposals (SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT) for this sub group to gather and consider: - Which third parties - How are they certified? - Access process and mechanisms (sub-heading: speed) - Cost burden and distribution Adding purpose as a factor was discussed but it was generally agreed to roll purpose into the nature of the accessing party in the certification process, i.e. law enforcement, etc. The sub group agreed to keep the template Milton had set out with an extra column for 'notes' to include issues such as possiblity for abuse or leakage, technical modalities of access. 3 Proposals received The two proposals received to date were summarised by Milton. Discussion of Paul Stahura's proposal included the difficulty of establishing in all countries whether a hierarchy of law enforcement agencies exists to match a certification key chain. On the other hand, this is why a national and centralized approach was proposed, and also multiple keys can easily be revoked. A distinction was made of access of public and private actors to unpublished Whois data. Actions - Bertrand de la Chapelle agreed to write a paragraph for the sub group explaining his thoughts on national certification connected to an international organization for law enforcement authorities. - Sub group members are invited to develop and submit their own proposals in some detail, i.e. don't just say which 3rd parties but identify how they might be certified or authorized. - Proposals need to follow the template. - Deadline for proposals: May 7, 5 pm UMT - NOTE change of time. - Maria will compile and circulate the proposals together. - If submitted early, proposals can be discussed on the list or have a more general discussion about them. Attachment:
WHOIS WGB proposals.doc |