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[gnso-arr-dt] FW: Availability?

  • To: "gnso-arr-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-arr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-arr-dt] FW: Availability?
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2010 09:49:14 -0800

Forwarded From: William Drake
Sent: dimanche 10 janvier 2010 17:22
To: Gomes, Chuck
Cc: Caroline Greer; Olga Cavalli; Glen de Saint Géry
Subject: Re: Availability?


On Jan 9, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

I am not talking about criteria for the RT members.  I am talking about what is 
referred to as "indicators" in the AoC for the reviews themselves.

I wondered about this, since that's the context in which indicators are 
discussed in the draft, but since we were talking about who and how from the 
GNSO thought maybe not.

For example, in the first review, criteria that will be measured to determine 
whether ICANN has met the objectives of being accountable and transparent.  If 
those indicators are clearly and objectively defined in advance of the review, 
then the RT's task is to evaluate whether they have been satisfied in an 
objective manner.  Their task would not be to directly represent the groups 
they come from in terms of whether their group believes ICANN was accountable 
and transparent but rather to review the evidence gathered to determine whether 
the "indicators" were satified and then document their conclusions based on 
evidence gathered related to the predefined "indicators".

We'll see what they come up with, and one can readily support the aspiration, 
but if one looks at the work of Transparency International, the Global 
Accountability Report, freedominfo.org<http://freedominfo.org>, and other orgs 
that do this sort of work, it's not entirely obvious to me that the sort of 
metrics people have been able to devise necessarily reduce differences of view 
regarding interpretation across stakeholder groups etc.

In my opinion the task of the RTs is to evaluate whether the goals of the AoC 
are met, not to determine whether the community supports how ICANN functioned.

I guess I don't see this as a binary, and think the latter is valid and 
inevitable given the wider international politics that fed into the AOC etc.  
But no matter.  Either way we have to raise the numbers point in the latter and 
define the modalities of nominee selection internally.



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