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[gnso-ccwg-dt] CCWG Meeting Actions: 18 Oct 2011

  • To: "gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ccwg-dt] CCWG Meeting Actions: 18 Oct 2011
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:20:50 -0700

Dear CCWG members,

Here are the actions from today’s call.  Please let me know if I have omitted 
anything or whether you have questions or comments.  Our next meeting will be a 
public session held in Dakar on Thursday, 27 October from 0830 to 1000 
UTC/local time (0130 PDT/0430 EDT) in Salon Vert.  Here are the details and 
remote access: http://dakar42.icann.org/node/26991.  In addition, Jonathan will 
be providing an update to the GNSO Council during its public meeting on 
Wednesday, 26 October beginning at 1400 UTC/local time (0700 PDT/1000 EDT) in 
Chapiteau Tent.  Here are the details and remote access: 

Staff are preparing slides for both sessions along with a notification for the 
SOs/ACs.  See the actions below.  We will have slides for this group to review 
no later than this Thursday, 20 October.

Best regards,

Julie Hedlund
Policy Director


 1.  Slides for the update for the GNSO Council at the meeting in Dakar:  
Goals: Need to energize the group and point to the key actions/goals in the 
Charter.  Highlight of the elements of the Charter and scope.  Include the 
original draft principles.  Encourage comment and to attend the Thursday 
 2.  Slides for the Public Session:  This is the larger slide deck from which 
the GNSO Council update is a subset. Key objective: Make it clear/broadcast 
that although this is a GNSO position the whole point of the exercise is to 
take input from any member of the ICANN community.  Background — recognition 
that the perceived importance of cross-community groups and second the fact 
that there is a reluctance to set any more groups off. Create a grid with the 
draft principles and take input and comment.  Slide:  List of cross-community 
working groups.  Invite Edmon to see if he can join or at least provide input 
(Julie with copy to WG).
 3.  Outreach:  Draft a notification message to send to all SOs/ACs about the 
public session and to generate interest.
 4.  Next steps after Dakar: Take the principles and flesh them out as a report 
by the end of 2011.

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