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[gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW(2): Draft Invite to CCWG-DT Session

  • To: "gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW(2): Draft Invite to CCWG-DT Session
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 13:28:14 -0700

Dear Jonathan and CCWG-DT members,

Below for your review as discussed at our meeting yesterday is a draft invite 
to be sent to the SOs and ACs to encourage them to attend the CCWG-DT public 
session in Dakar.  Please let me know if you have any change by **Friday, 21 

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


Julie Hedlund
Policy Director

Invite to Participate in Cross-Community Working Group Session in Dakar

Dear ICANN community members,

As you may know, over the past few years there has been an increase at ICANN in 
the use of cross-community working groups (CWGs), e.g., those groups officially 
chartered by more than one Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee 
(AC).   The perceived importance of CWGs raises questions about whether special 
rules are needed for their operation.  In addition, there is a reluctance to 
form new CWGs until there is a framework under which they will function.

The GNSO Council recently established a CWG Drafting Team (CCWG-DT) to develop 
a proposed framework under CWGs can effectively function and approved the 
CCWG-DT’s Charter on 06 October 2011.  At the ICANN meeting in Dakar, Senegal, 
the CCWG-DT is holding a public session:

When:  27 October 2011 0830-1000 Dakar/UTC (0130 PDT/0430 EDT)
Where and Other Details: Salon Vert and remote access at: 
Who Should Attend: Anyone interested in sharing their perspective on this topic

The goal of this session is to seek input from the community on the work of the 
CCWG-DT and, in particular on the development of draft principles to be 
discussed for CWGs.  In addition, the CCWG-DT is seeking community members who 
are willing to join the WG.

Please contact Julie Hedlund at julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx if you have any 
questions about the public session or if you are interested in joining the 

[signature of Secretariat]

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