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Re: [gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW: Revised Draft Principles -- "wherever possible"?

  • To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW: Revised Draft Principles -- "wherever possible"?
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 07:32:58 -0600

thanks Julie,

i really want to continue the discussion about 2.a,ii where we leave the 
[wherever possible] clause in.  here's the sentence, just to make the thread 
easier to follow;

All participating SOs/ACs should approve a single, joint Charter [whenever 
possible] that defines the rules and procedures for the CWG.

as your customer, i want to understand the circumstances where a working group 
would be handed *more than one* charter to operate under.  that seems really 
weird to me.  i'd also really like to understand how we think the working group 
is going to operate if it has more than one charter.        

        - alternating charters by week?  

        - half the working group works under one, the other half under the 

        - hand the unresolved dispute to the co-chairs and let *them* resolve 

as an old geezer, it's always fun to see new things but i have to admit that 
i've never heard of a plane going to two destinations at the same time -- or 
leaving the destination-dispute up to the pilots to decide after the plane has 
taken off.  i think the airline's customers would get restive… 


On Dec 13, 2011, at 4:05 PM, Julie Hedlund wrote:

> All,
> Attached in Word and PDF are the revised Draft Principles based on the 
> changes agreed to on today’s call.  Note that the redline reflects new 
> additions on the call.  Redlining was removed where edits from the list and 
> the meeting on 22 November have been accepted.  This also is posted to the 
> wiki at:  
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoccwgdraftteam/5.+Background+Documents.
> Note: As discussed the rationale section is included, but it was agreed that 
> it would not be included in the version sent to the Council.  However, 
> further edits to the rationale text are encouraged as these may be useful to 
> provide during Council discussions.
> Our next call is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 December at UTC/1200 PST/1500 
> EST/2000 London/2100 CET.  A reminder will be send prior to the call. 
> Best regards,
> Julie
> Attendees:  Jonathan Robinson (Chair), Chuck Gomes, Alan Greenberg, Mikey 
> O’Conner, Wendy Seltzer, Jaime Wagner; Staff: Julie Hedlund, Liz Gasster, and 
> Nathalie Peregrine
> <Draft Principles for CWGs 13 Dec 2011.doc><Draft Principles for CWGs 13 Dec 
> 2011.pdf>

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