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RE: [gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW: Revised Draft Principles -- "wherever possible"?

  • To: mike@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW: Revised Draft Principles -- "wherever possible"?
  • From: <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 08:40:13 -0700

I want to second Mikey's view on the draft and, that he, like me, is an
old geezer.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [gnso-ccwg-dt] FOR REVIEW: Revised Draft Principles --
> "wherever possible"?
> From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, December 14, 2011 5:32 am
> To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
> thanks Julie,
> i really want to continue the discussion about 2.a,ii where we leave the 
> [wherever possible] clause in.  here's the sentence, just to make the thread 
> easier to follow;
> All participating SOs/ACs should approve a single, joint Charter [whenever 
> possible] that defines the rules and procedures for the CWG.
> as your customer, i want to understand the circumstances where a working 
> group would be handed *more than one* charter to operate under.  that seems 
> really weird to me.  i'd also really like to understand how we think the 
> working group is going to operate if it has more than one charter.      
>       - alternating charters by week?  
>       - half the working group works under one, the other half under the 
> other?  
>       - hand the unresolved dispute to the co-chairs and let *them* resolve 
> it?
> as an old geezer, it's always fun to see new things but i have to admit that 
> i've never heard of a plane going to two destinations at the same time -- or 
> leaving the destination-dispute up to the pilots to decide after the plane 
> has taken off.  i think the airline's customers would get restive� 
> mikey
> On Dec 13, 2011, at 4:05 PM, Julie Hedlund wrote:
> FOR REVIEW: Revised Draft Principles
> All,
> Attached in Word and PDF are the revised Draft Principles based on the 
> changes agreed to on today�s call.  Note that the redline reflects new 
> additions on the call.  Redlining was removed where edits from the list and 
> the meeting on 22 November have been accepted.  This also is posted to the 
> wiki at:  
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoccwgdraftteam/5.+Background+Documents.
> Note: As discussed the rationale section is included, but it was agreed that 
> it would not be included in the version sent to the Council.  However, 
> further edits to the rationale text are encouraged as these may be useful to 
> provide during Council discussions.
> Our next call is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 December at UTC/1200 PST/1500 
> EST/2000 London/2100 CET.  A reminder will be send prior to the call. 
> Best regards,
> Julie
> Attendees:  Jonathan Robinson (Chair), Chuck Gomes, Alan Greenberg, Mikey 
> O�Conner, Wendy Seltzer, Jaime Wagner; Staff: Julie Hedlund, Liz Gasster, and 
> Nathalie Peregrine
> - - - - - - - - -
> phone         651-647-6109  
> fax           866-280-2356  
> web   http://www.haven2.com
> handle        OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, 
> Google, etc.)

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