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[gnso-consensus-wg] Re: Draft 7 July Meeting Report

  • To: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-consensus-wg] Re: Draft 7 July Meeting Report
  • From: Robert Hoggarth <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 19:14:40 -0700


Attached please find my attempt to summarize your deliberations on yesterday's 
call. Please let me know if there are any substantive points or decisions that 
I missed or should clarify.  As with the previous report, please note that the 
document is intended to be an informal tool to help focus the effort and is not 
intended to be an official transcript. It commits you to nothing and failure to 
comment or correct this informal record does not indicate assent.  My 
interpretation is that the final document - in whatever form it takes - will be 
the only binding document this group produces.

Hoping that we can all find an acceptable call/meeting time for Thursday. 
Thanks for everyone's patience as Glen manages that challenging process.



Attachment: 2008-07-07 GNSO Consensus Group Meeting Report.doc
Description: 2008-07-07 GNSO Consensus Group Meeting Report.doc

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