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[gnso-consensus-wg] GNSO Consensus Current Thinking

  • To: gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-consensus-wg] GNSO Consensus Current Thinking
  • From: "Denise Michel" <denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 18:10:43 -0700

Thank you all for the tremendous commitment of time and thought you
have collectively devoted to this matter.

Whether or not full consensus is reached, the Board will find it
useful if this group provides them with a report that notes specific
areas of agreement to date and concepts that may require further
thought and discussions.

I'd like to address the question that was raised during this morning's
call about what interactions may occur between Staff and the Board
after your report is submitted and what consideration the Board is
likely to give the report.  While I cannot predict how the Board will
react to the report, as with any policy-related matter that goes
before the Board, a Staff assessment of the pros and cons and the
implementation issues involved will be provided to the Board.  Staff
-- including me and the General Counsel, will provide the Board with
information on, and assessment of, potential operational
implementation issues, legal considerations, and how potential Council
structural changes may relate to ICANN's mission and objectives.

As noted in the Paris resolution, the Board plans to decide on Council
re-structuring no later than its August meeting, but could conceivably
vote on this at its 31 July meeting.


Denise Michel
ICANN VP, Policy

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