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[gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] Proposal for Whois Contact Info Conversion Recommendation

  • To: <gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] Proposal for Whois Contact Info Conversion Recommendation
  • From: "pitinan" <pitinan@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 18:58:29 +0700

Dear PDP WG Members, 


Please find attached a proposed draft for the proposal how GAC should take
role in the Translation and Transliteration of Contact info. 


Best Regards, 


Pitinan Kooarmornpatana

Assistant Director Office of R&D


Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) 
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology


The Government Complex 
120 M.3 Ratthaprasasanabhakti Building (building B),

7th floor, Chaengwattana Rd., Thung Song Hong,

Laksi Bangkok 10210, THAILAND


+(66) 81 375 3433 

pitinan at etda.or.th




Attachment: Proposal for Whois Contact Info Conversion Recommendation.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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