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[gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] MP3 Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP WG meeting - 22 May 2014

  • To: "gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] MP3 Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP WG meeting - 22 May 2014
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 12:09:45 -0700


Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the Translation and Transliteration of 
Contact Information PDP Charter Drafting Team call held on Thursday 22 May at 
1300 UTC at:


On page: 


The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO

Master Calendar page:

 <http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/



Pitinan Kooarmornpatana - GAC

Petter Rindforth – IPC
Jennifer Chung - RySG

Chris Dillon – NCSG

Rudi Vansnick – NPOC

Ubolthip Sethakaset – Individual

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito - 


Peter Dernbach – IPC

Jim Galvin – SSAC 

Zhang Zuan – NCUC

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben - ISPCP


ICANN staff:

Julie Hedlund 

Amy Bivins

Lars Hoffmann

Nathalie Peregrine


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **


 Wiki page:  <http://tinyurl.com/mpwxstx> http://tinyurl.com/mpwxstx 


Thank you.

Kind regards,



GNSO Secretariat 


Adobe Chat Transcript for Thursday 22 May 2014:

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the Translation and Transliteration 
of Contact Information PDP Working Group call on Thursday 22 May 2014

  Chris Dillon:Hello Julie, Nathalie & Pitinan!

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hello all!

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:hello all

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:hello all

  Rudi Vansnick:hello every one ... still having problems with nose and eyes 
due to pollen 

  Julie Hedlund:Hello everyone!

  Petter Rindforth:Hi there!

  Chris Dillon:Hello Rudi, pollen horrendous in London too!

  Jennifer Chung:Hi everyone

  Rudi Vansnick:can not be fully operational ... need to let my eyes rest every 
2-3 hours ... 

  Julie Hedlund:All -- I have unsynced the document so you can move it 

  Rudi Vansnick:googledocs eventually 

  Rudi Vansnick:i think it would be good just to proceed with the comments 
which will be in the document for review for next call ... 

  Rudi Vansnick:we need to have a quorum for validation 

  Lars Hoffmann:@rudi - this could also be done on the wiki

  Julie Hedlund:@Rudi: We (staff) don't have access to Google docs also.

  Lars Hoffmann:@chris - we can allow everybody to access the wiki.

  Lars Hoffmann: - or staff can do it.

  Julie Hedlund:@Rudi -- If we need to track changes we also can use Word for 

  Rudi Vansnick:ok no problem to me

  Rudi Vansnick:oh sorry to hear Julie 

  Petter Rindforth:Perfect

  Rudi Vansnick:i would also think about putting Y but conditional

  Julie Hedlund:@Chris -- I will make the change in the document.

  Rudi Vansnick:raining here also ... but still no thunderstorm 

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:it should be single point of transform / validation 
.. for each country 

  Rudi Vansnick:a lot of progress accomplished, well done Chris 

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:great work Chris :)

  Rudi Vansnick:deadline 29 May !

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:+1 

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:29 May

  Rudi Vansnick:otherwise we will have problems in preparing report for London 

  Jennifer Chung:+1

  Petter Rindforth:+1

  Rudi Vansnick:Michele is still working on with his colleages

  Rudi Vansnick:i had last week contact with Michele 

  Rudi Vansnick:as we have to put now forwad the deadline of 29 Mauy we can 
insist in having their comments

  Julie Hedlund:@Chris and Rudi: Please note that the WG should provide an 
update on its progress to the GNSO Council in London

  Rudi Vansnick:indeed Julie .. 

  Ubolthip Sethakaset:+1

  Rudi Vansnick:should we move it to friday ?

  Julie Hedlund:@Rudi -- Is it possible that people will take Friday as a 
holiday too?

  Rudi Vansnick:ok .. 

  Petter Rindforth:No problem for me to keep it on Th

  Rudi Vansnick:next one is June 5 

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:i'm ok with Thursday 

  Julie Hedlund:@Chris -- I think it is best if we keep the meeting time 

  Rudi Vansnick:OK 

  Petter Rindforth:Fully agree - let*s try to keep it

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:agree

  Jennifer Chung:agreed

  Julie Hedlund:Thank you everyone!

  Rudi Vansnick:thanks to all and till next week  bye

  Jennifer Chung:Thank you Chris, thank you all!

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:Thank you Chris, see you all next week 

  Pitinan Kooarmornpatana:bye 

  Chris Dillon:Thank you all


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