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[gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] MP3 Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP WG meeting - 05 June

  • To: "gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] MP3 Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP WG meeting - 05 June
  • From: Terri Agnew <terri.agnew@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 13:52:57 -0700

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the Translation and Transliteration of 
Contact Information PDP Charter Drafting Team call held on Thursday 05 June at 
1300 UTC at:


On page: 


The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO

Master Calendar page:

 <http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/



Petter Rindforth – IPC
Jennifer Chung - RySG

Chris Dillon – NCSG

Zhang Zuan (Peter Green) – NCUC

Justine Chew – Individual

Rudi Vansnick – NPOC

Mae Suchayapim Siriwat – GAC

Wanawit Ahkuputra – GAC

Wolf Ulrich Knoben - ISPC


Jim Galvin – SSAC 


ICANN staff:

Julie Hedlund 

Amy Bivins

Lars Hoffmann

Terri Agnew


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **


 Wiki page:  <http://tinyurl.com/mpwxstx> http://tinyurl.com/mpwxstx 


Thank you.

Kind regards,


Terri Agnew

GNSO Secretariat 


Adobe Chat Transcript for Thursday 05 June 2014:

Terri Agnew:Dear all, welcome to the Translation and Transliteration of Contact 
Information PDP Working Group call on Thursday 05 June 2014

  Peter Green-CONAC:Hi

  Julie Hedlund:Hello everyone!

  Mae Suchayapim Siriwat:Hello

  Chris Dillon:Hello everyone

  Jennifer Chung:Hi everyone

  Lars Hoffmann:Welcome to the Translation and Transliteration of Contact 
Information PDP WG on Thursday 5 June 2014

  Julie Hedlund:Here is the report: 

  Julie Hedlund:It is posted to our wiki

  Julie Hedlund:@Chris: A moment while I bring it up.


  Petter Rindforth:Sorry, can’t see anything on the screen

  Julie Hedlund:All -- I got kicked out of Adobe.  I will bring it back up.

  Rudi Vansnick:screen is scrambled .. nothing readable 

  Rudi Vansnick:are we still on page 18 ? 



  Julie Hedlund:@Chris -- Does it show on the screen?

  Rudi Vansnick:no Julie

  Julie Hedlund:I tried again -- can you see it now?

  Julie Hedlund:Then  I cannot share it.  It should be working, not sure why 

  Rudi Vansnick:looks like a memory issue of the pc sharing the doc

  Julie Hedlund:@Chris - This is saved as a PDF to share, rather than sharing 
the screen, which evidently doesn't work.

  Julie Hedlund:I have unsynced the document.

  Rudi Vansnick:@Julie : thanks a lot, works fine now 

  Lars Hoffmann:@all - the document is synched so that we can all follow along 
chris' presentation more easily.

  Peter Green-CONAC:okay, thanks Lars

  Rudi Vansnick:i need to read both reports again ... some cross references to 
identical information 

  Rudi Vansnick:with different interpretation


  Rudi Vansnick:it jumps automatically to the right place

  Rudi Vansnick:Validate the presence of data => does not mean the value of th 
data itself ?!

  Lars Hoffmann:well done chris!

  Rudi Vansnick:the email address of the Registered Name Holder : looks to me 
also rather strange : quid if emailaddress is based on the new registered 
domain name ?

  Rudi Vansnick:verification ! 

  Rudi Vansnick:good idea Lars 

  Petter Rindforth:I suggest we skip and meet in London

  Julie Hedlund:@Lars -- That covers everything.  Thanks!

  Rudi Vansnick:thanks a lot Chris

  Julie Hedlund:Thank you everyone!

  Julie Hedlund:Bye

  Chris Dillon:Goodbye all

  Wolf Knoben:bye

  Jennifer Chung:Thank you and bye all

  Peter Green-CONAC:bye all

  Mae Suchayapim Siriwat:Thank you bye


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