[gnso-contro-wg] Thread 2: Disputes by governments and consensus
1. Propose creating a category called Controversial Names for use at the top level only. A label that is applied for would be considered Controversial if during the Public Comment phase of the new gTLD application process the label becomes disputed by a formal notice of a consensus position from an ICANN Advisory Committee or ICANN Supporting Organization, and otherwise meets the definition of Controversial Names as defined above. 2. How is a non consensus issue that is brought up by an AC, e.g. the GAC, to be handled? this relates to the GAc principles on new gTLDs, specifically: 3.3 If individual GAC members or other governments express formal concerns about any issues related to the new gTLDs, the ICANN board should fully consider those concerns and clearly explain how it will address them Is it sufficient for such disputes to be handled only at the ICANN board level or should the dispute process be open to individual governments? Is is appropriate for the GSNOS policy to determine that a GAC decsion needs to be by consensus?