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RE: [gnso-dow123] Security/stability questions

  • To: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Thomas Roessler" <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-dow123] Security/stability questions
  • From: "Neuman, Jeff" <Jeff.Neuman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:32:38 -0500

Actually Marilyn, without debating who made the recommendation, and this is not 
anything against the Chair of the SSAC, but I personally do not see the value 
in just asking for a dialogue with the Chair, unless the Chair is speaking on 
behalf of the group.  In other words, the SSAC, like the GNSO, ccNSO, NRO, etc. 
is a body made up of its members and the opinion of one member (even if the 
chair) is of no greater value than the opinion of another member of the group.  
It is no different than if the SSAC were to ask Jordyn or I to speak about 
Whois.  We could only give our personal opinions, but no opinions or 
representations on behalf of the task force. (And no, do not worry, no one has 
asked Jordyn or I for this as far as I know).
Therefore, I would recommend seeking the SSAC's opinion (whether formal or 
informal).  We can make it sound less like an inquisition, and work on the tone 
if need be.  However, in the interests of trying to move forward, I disagree 
with inviting the Chair of the SSAC for a dialogue if it is going to be in his 
own personal capacity and not on behalf of the group.
I would like to hear some other thoughts on this, but I am just telling you my 
own personal thoughts (i.e., not my thoughts as chair)....

-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Cade [mailto:marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 9:31 AM
To: 'Thomas Roessler'; Neuman, Jeff
Cc: 'Thomas Keller'; 'Jordyn A. Buchanan'; 'Bruce Tonkin'; 
Subject: RE: [gnso-dow123] Security/stability questions

Jordyn, Jeff,


As I look at the flow of questions, I repeat a statement I made:


We aren't asking for SSAC's views, we are inviting the chair  of the SSAC for a 
dialogue. I made the recommendation to invite Steve to discuss WHOIS with is as 
it relates to Stability and security... Then after that conversation, which is 
with the full Council and the TF members, the TF would be better advised about 
whether to make a request to the SSAC for formal advise. 


So, when you make the request, can you try to frame it accordingly? Otherwise, 
we come across like the grand inquisitors... NOT our intent, I know. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Roessler [mailto:roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf 
Of Thomas Roessler
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:20 AM
To: Neuman, Jeff
Cc: Thomas Keller; Marilyn Cade; Jordyn A. Buchanan; Bruce Tonkin; 
Subject: Re: [gnso-dow123] Security/stability questions


On 2005-03-24 11:04:45 -0500, Jeff Neuman wrote:

> I think if you took out the word "if any" in the first question,

> that would help..


... by presupposing that it actually does play such a role?  I

disagree strongly with this change, as it biases the question.


> have also tried to reword the others to sound more objective.


> 1) What role does Whois play in supporting the Internet's

> security and stability?  


Please re-insert "if any."


> 2) If there is such a role, what do you believe are the

> requirements of a Whois (or Whois-like system) to fulfill that

> role.


We shouldn't be asking for SSAC's *beliefs*, but for their objective

and rational analysis.




Thomas Roessler · Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.

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