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[gnso-dow123] Draft minutes Whois tf call 26 April, 2005

  • To: gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] Draft minutes Whois tf call 26 April, 2005
  • From: "GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 12:39:59 +0200


Dear All,

Please find the draft minutes of the Whois combined task force call on 26 April 2005.

Please let me know what changes you would like made.

Thank you very much.
Kind regards,

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN
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<h4 align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>WHOIS Task 
  1 2 3<br>
  26 April 2005 - Minutes</b></font></h4>
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>ATTENDEES:<br>
GNSO Constituency representatives:<br>
  </b> Jordyn Buchanan - Co-Chair<br>
  Registrars constituency - Paul Stahura<br>
  Registrars constituency - Tom Keller<br>
  Registrars constituency - Ross Rader<br>
  gTLD Registries constituency - David Maher  <br>
gTLD Registries constituency - Ken Stubbs<br>
  Commercial and Business Users constituency - Marilyn Cade <br>
  Commercial and Business Users constituency - David Fares<b><br>
  </b>Internet Service and Connectivity Providers constituency - Antonio Harris 
</font>   <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">  <br>
  Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Niklas Lagergren   <br>
  Non Commercial Users Constituency - Milton Mueller  <br>
  At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons - Bret Fausett <br>
  At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons - Wendy Seltzer</font> <font 
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">  <br>
  <b>ICANN Staff</b>: <br>
  Paul Verhoef - 
  Vice President, Policy Development Support <br>
  Olof Nordling - Manager of Policy Development Coordination<br>
  Maria Farrell Farrell - GNSO Policy Officer<br>
  de Saint G&eacute;ry - GNSO Secretariat<br>
  Registrars constituency - Tim Ruiz  <br>
  Internet Service and Connectivity Providers constituency - Greg Ruth<b><br>
  </b>Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Steve Metalitz - 
  Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Kiyoshi Tsuru   <br>
  Commercial and Business Users constituency - Sarah Deutsch <br>
Non Commercial Users Constituency - Kathy Kleiman <br>
  Non Commercial Users Constituency 
  - Frannie Wellings </font> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
  </font> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Internet Service and 
  Providers constituency - Maggie Mansourkia<br>
  At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons - Vittorio Bertolo    
  <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
  <a href="http://gnso-audio.icann.org/WHOIS-20050426-tf123.mp3";>MP3 Recording 
  <a href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/msg00220.html";>Action point 
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Jordyn Buchanan proposed the 
following agenda:<br>
  1. Brief update on <a 
  </a>on the notification work item <br>
  2. Administrative matters<br>
  - Jeff Neuman's resignation as co-chair<br>
  - Timing of task force calls<br>
  3. Substance of the<a 
href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/msg00171.html";> revised document 
</a>by Steve Metalitz of <a 
 2</a> <br>
  1. Brief update on <a 
 report </a>on the notification work item </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
  <strong>Maria Farrell</strong> reported that the <a 
 Task force report was posted</a> on 22 April for 20 days of public comment 
starting on 23 April until 12 May 2005. When the public comment is over, a 
summary will be made and added to the report .<br>
  <strong>Marilyn Cade</strong> suggested that the task force meet after the 
public comment period before the final report is sent to the Council.<br>
  <strong>Jordyn Buchanan</strong> proposed that the final report be sent to 
the list on 16 May, that the task force meet on 17 May and that the final 
report would be sent to the Council in time for the scheduled meeting on 2 June 
2005. </font></p>
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>2. Administrative 
- Jeff Neuman's resignation as co-chair</strong></font><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Marilyn Cade, seconded by Tony Harris 
proposed that Jordyn Buchanan continue as the chair.<br>
Jordyn Buchanan agreed to stay on as the task force chair at least until there 
was a re charter of the task force.<br>
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
<strong>- Timing of task force calls</strong></font> <br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> A couple of alternatives were 
proposed off list.<br> 
 - alternating time slots, 18:00UTC and 0800 EST <br>
 - going back to the original timeslot 11:00 EST
 <strong>Ken Stubbs</strong> suggested 9:00 or 9:30 am EST <br>
 <strong>Marilyn Cade</strong> advised against alternating times but agreed to 
change times<br>
 <strong>Paul Stahura </strong>supported one time and asked for the call time 
and dial in details be sent to the task force list.<br>
 <strong>Wendy Seltzer</strong> said anything that could be done to make the 
calls shorter and less frequent would be appreciated.<br>
 Jordyn Buchanan suggested taking a straw poll on the list  for either 
 9:30 am and 11:00 am EST slots.<br>
 3. Substance of the<a 
href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/msg00171.html";> revised document 
</a>by Steve Metalitz of <a 
 2</a> </strong><br>
 Jordyn Buchanan referred to Steve Metalitz's <a 
document</a> sent to the mailing list on Sunday 24 April, 2005. and proposed 
dividing the discussion in two parts:<br>
 1. the substance of the re-draft <br>
the merits of moving forward with the proposal at all given the points raised 
on the<a href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/";> mailing 
<p><strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Paul 
Verhoef</font></strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> commented on 
the <a 
href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/msg00175.html";>diagram</a>  that 
Maria Farrell circulated and said it clarified who was involved and on what 
issue. It indicated a trajectory that went from left to right, starting with 
the policy development process resulting in ICANN staff  implementing a 
Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) with the registrars. The registrars 
would then  translate the agreements which would result in their contracts with 
the registrants. He saw possible court actions or conflicts, or any  government 
action   focused on the registrar and registrants relationship, rather than 
what the document currently indicated, namely that the focus would be  on 
conflicts or the risk of conflict between the registrar or the registry's legal 
contractual obligation to ICANN and the legal obligation with local law. His 
impression was that any governmental action would not necessarily be directed 
at the RAA but more at the relationship between the registrar and registrants. 
He went on to say that supposing there were a court case and the court looked 
at that contractual relationship between the registrar and the registrant, it 
was too early to say whether this would be a direct result of the RAA. First it 
was not clear that the court would express itself on the RAA, secondly what was 
missing in the process as it currently stood was that the registrars were  
translating  the  RAA into local contracts and it could well be that the 
problem was in the translation phase. If there were a court decision that 
required changing the contract between registrars and registrants, it did not 
necessarily impact the RAA. He queried the  notion of claimant and felt that 
potential conflict lay in the registrar/registrant relationship and welcomed 
  In summary, he saw three important elements that should be distinguished and 
recognized in order to clarify the process:<br>
a) the RAA, <br>
b) the local contracts,<br>
c) the translation, not only linguistic but also the implementation.<br>
<strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Jordyn 
Buchanan</font></strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> thanked Paul 
Verhoef and commented that it might be useful to look at the language to make 
clear that ICANN should have the prerogative to conclude that the cause of 
conflict was not necessarily the RAA.</font></font></p>
<p><strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Milton  
Mueller</font></strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> agreed that 
an important distinction was raised with the translation of the RAA into   a 
foreign language but he felt that if the registrar was threatened they would 
argue that they had to act in accordance with the RAA. The inevitable thing for 
them to say would be that they had no choice as the RAA, which made it possible 
for them to do business required disclosure, so eventually it would fall back 
on the RAA.<br>
  <strong>Jordyn Buchanan</strong> was of the  impression that the procedure 
was supposed to apply when the registrar had come to the  conclusion that 
whatever the action brought it was  as a result of  contents of the RAA. If law 
enforcement had a problem it would be likely with the registrant and at that 
point they would engage ICANN.<br>
    <strong>Task force members</strong> felt that if the local contract was 
challenged ICANN did not have to get involved.<br>
<strong>Ken Stubbs</strong> expressed concern that in some countries a 
complaint could be lodged that the display of information in the Whois by a 
registrar or registry was in direct contravention to  the privacy  requirements 
in that country. In which case he felt that the agency might  look at the 
registrar and registry policies and if they decided that there was a violation 
of the privacy laws, the registrars/registry's logical response would be that 
it was an ICANN requirement . Thus the contract  with the registrant was not at 
<strong>Paul Stahura</strong> quoted section of the RAA which referred 
to how registrars could licence a name that allowed for services like e-nam and 
e-protect and godaddy names by proxy. He asked for clarification how there 
could be a conflict with national law that would prohibit some registrars from 
other countries from registering names when they could put the names on ID 
protect. If they would choose not to do that would they get a special exemption 
form ICANN?<br>
<strong>Jordyn Buchanan</strong> commented that the procedure was intended for  
a situation where there was a reasonable alternative that could be developed. 
If there were a way to solve the conflict without a change to the RAA, then the 
registrar would be expected to do that.<br>
<strong>Tom Keller</strong> commented that it was not certain what would happen 
in the future in data privacy protection and the process was designed to deal 
with issues when they arose.<br>
<strong>David Fares</strong> commented that there were exceptions to the 
privacy right and it should be  determined whether information in the Whois 
database was subject to the Directive provisions.<br>
<strong>Paul Stahura</strong> asked whether if there were two registrars in the 
same country and a decision was given for one, would it apply to the second as 
well or would the second have to go through the same procedure and apply 
Paul Verhoef</strong>  assumed that if there was action by a regulator or court 
that  applied to one particular registrar/registry operating in the same 
market,and it was established that the RAA was the cause of the problem, then 
it would be logical that it would cause problems for all registries/registrars 
in that country.It would not be realistic to go through the same process each 
<strong>Milton Mueller </strong>commented that the Non Commercial Users 
Constituency could support the document with the following changes or 
modifications.</font> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
He commented  that Steve Metalitz's main change was making the document a 
In seeking the middle ground, he suggested stating  that there should be a 
policy for a procedure for the reconciliation of conflicts, but to make the 
specific procedure a recommendation.<br>
 He felt that it  should be made  clear and recognized that it was a stopgap 
measure until the necessary reform of Whois access was undertaken. He further 
suggested that  the appendices be attached in order to document the existence 
of these conflicts in national laws. <br>
Line 10, paragraph 1&quot;ICANN  should be able to fulfil its obligations to 
all elements of the ICANN community&quot; was too broad, and suggested that the 
language be stricken.<br> 
Near the end of the document, regarding the criteria to disallow an exception, 
he suggested holding to  clear guidelines deleted in Steve Metalitz &rsquo;s 
<strong>Marilyn  Cade</strong> commented that it was better as a recommendation 
rather than consensus policy. She also cautioned about making sure that 
attached supporting documents were current or up to date.<br>
<strong>Ross Rader</strong> added that if it were indeed a stop gap measure it 
should be mandatory to flag that and add specific time periods,  one year, 6 
months, 5 years, etc. He was not clear how  a registry or registrar<br>
could deal with local variations on a global basis.<br>
<strong>Paul Verhoef</strong> asked for  clarification 
It was suggested that the legal questions could be reviewed by John Jeffrey.<br>
<strong>Jordyn Buchanan</strong> proposed that some of the concerns raised 
should be discussed further on the list, as should Tom Keller and Milton 
Mueller's proposal of making it a policy hybrid recommendation.</font> </p>
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Jordyn Buchanan asked for 
comments on:<br>
applicability of the recommendation to the terms of reference</strong><br>
  <strong>Ross Rader </strong>commented that he felt the time was not being 
usefully allocated  as he did not see such issues coming up and that they were 
rather  boundary cases. He felt that the focus should be on the big rock and 
try and really move things forward.<br>
  <strong>Milton Mueller</strong> commented that those  who support the measure 
would be happy to abandon if there were even a modest reform on tiered 
  <strong>Tom Keller</strong>  commented that it was  initially started in task 
force 2 because   after observing the privacy laws it was felt there might be a 
necessity to have such a recommendation, and now it was being questioned once 
  <strong>Wendy  Seltzer</strong> felt that for  three years there had been no 
gain for the registrant in terms of privacy and she felt it was necessary to 
give the registrars a procedure when facing questions  with national laws so 
that registrants would have more privacy options.</font></p>
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Next 
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">3 May 2005 <br>
Discuss accuracy. <br>
<a href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/msg00041.html";>Bruce Tonkin 
&rsquo;s summary of the Cape Town dialogue</a></font><a 
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font></a></p>
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Jordyn Buchanan 
</strong>thanked everyone for their participation. <br>
  The call ended at 20:22 UTC
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

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