[gnso-dow123] Purpose of Whois : registrant or "agent"
Various constituency statements that we have seen thus far express different views on whether the purpose of Whois is to contact the registrant or simply a representative of the registrant. For example, the IPC constituency statement indicates that the purpose of Whois is to provide the contact information for "domain name registrants" and the ISP statement agrees that the purpose is to provide contact information for "the individual or organization that has registered a domain name". On the other hand, the NCUC statement indicates that the purpose of Whois is to provide a link to a "responsible party who can either act to resolve, or reliably pass information to those who can resolve, ... problems". (I removed the word "technical" from the NCUC statement simply to focus this discussion on who is being contacted, not what types of problems are at issue. There is a separate thread on the types of problems Whois is intended to resolve.) Issues: - Is the purpose of Whois to provide contact information for the registrant, or simply someone (presumably acting on behalf of the registrant) capable of resolving the relevant issues? - Without skipping ahead to the discussion of the various contact types, if the purpose is to provide contact information for the registrant, is it also necessary that additional contact information be provided to resolve certain problems in a timely manner? It's important that we start to discuss and resolve some of these issues on-list. We've cut back the frequency of our phone calls on the assumption that we can be more productive on list, but we need to see some activity for that decision to make sense. Jordyn |