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RE: [gnso-dow123] final report

  • To: <KathrynKL@xxxxxxx>, <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-dow123] final report
  • From: "Maria Farrell" <maria.farrell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 18:41:11 +0200

Thanks very much, Kathy. 
You'll see that I've incorporated the editing changes in the final version
just sent to the task force.  
On 2), creating a printable version is something I'm going to have to ask
our web dept. about.  The GNSO decided early in the summer that it wanted
documents in html as the default option from now on, and this also helps us
publish reports more easily and quickly on the ICANN website (producing
clean html from proprietary word processing applications, with the
formatting intact, was proving to be a bit of a nightmare).  
So it may be that the best thing is for us to put up either a modified html
version or possibly a pdf.  We generally lean towards html to increase the
chances of readability & speed up downloads, especially for those accessing
ICANN documents from developing countries. It's possible the simplest thing
may be 'copy and paste into a word processing app, and print', but I will
get an answer/response for you shortly. 
All the best, Maria


From: owner-gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of KathrynKL@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 6:28 PM
To: gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-dow123] final report

Thanks to Maria and all for the fine final report!  I went through it
carefully and would like to offer a few small changes. 

1)  Can we highlight and link to the URLs for the TF2 TOR and report in the
Introduction?  I have searched for these URLs several times and since they
are not highlighted, they are easy to overlook (and these are important
background documents).  Here's the text I would like to update: 

=> "In December 2003, WHOIS Task Force 2 was tasked with "document(ing)
examples of existing privacy laws in regard to display/transmittal of data".
(Task Force 2 terms of reference, point 4 of 'tasks and
milestones';available at [HIGHLIGHT AND LINK TO:]

=> Task Force 2's preliminary report was published for public comment in
June 2004 (available at [HIGHLIGHT AND LINK TO:]

2)  Can we create a printable version?   Currently, printing the final
report cuts off the right edge.  I know there are ways around it, but many
people may print the 33 pages before they realize the problem, and perhaps
be too frustrated to reprint.  Can we include a link to the print version at
the top?

3)  As agreed by the TF, I would like add teh link to the privacy laws table
in the Introduction & Background section.  This table was created by TF2
Team 1, and included in Appendix A of TF2's report in a very hard-to-read
version.  Below is the edit I offered to TF and which was accepted at our
final editing meeting on the Preliminary Report.  It was, however, missing
from the posted preliminary report.  Could we add it now?

=> "Task Force 2's preliminary report was published for public comment in
June 2004 at
[ADD] Table of Privacy laws by country of registrar, [insert URL for Excel
file] [END ADD]. The report found (in section 2.3) that.."


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