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RE: [gnso-dow123] Re: Next step

  • To: <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>, "'Milton Mueller'" <Mueller@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-dow123] Re: Next step
  • From: "Maria Farrell" <maria.farrell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 14:43:33 -0800


I am travelling early next week and, as Jordyn suggested, Friday is
reasonable for a framework draft. 

It's up to the task force to decide what kind of review is required, but
regarding timing it will not be possible to have a draft on Monday.  

Writing a preliminary report may seem like just assembling previous
material, but it really is rather tricky and time-consuming. 


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Ross Rader
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 2:00 PM
To: Milton Mueller
Cc: jordyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; jordyn.buchanan@xxxxxxxxx; harris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-dow123] Re: Next step

Milton's proposal makes sense. The most recent discussion on this list makes
it perfectly clear that the range of views on this issue hasn't changed in
five years - we should try to move forward as expediently as possible by
noting the varied consensus and forwarding our report to Council at the
earliest juncture.

Milton Mueller wrote:
> Jordyn:
> I agree with your approach but would propose to accelerate somewhat the
timetable and to avoid another teleconference. 
> It is obvious that we have two distinct definitions of Whois purpose, each
supported by 3 constituencies. A report expressing those two views, based on
your presentation in Vancouver, could be put together easily. It is simply a
matter of compiling documents that already exist. I would therfore propose
that Maria and you assemble this information Monday, and distribute it to us
over the list for a vote - by constituency rep., not individuals - of
approval. Note that we are approving it only as a report on where the TF
stands, and as something we send out for public comment. 
> I see no need for another teleconf, unless you and Maria do something 
> strange to the report and we have to make major modifications. ;-)
> Following this procedure, we should be able to put the thing up for public
comment as soon as the week of Dec. 26. 
> Dr. Milton Mueller
> Syracuse University School of Information Studies 
> http://www.digital-convergence.org
> http://www.internetgovernance.org
>>>> jordyn.buchanan@xxxxxxxxx 12/9/2005 4:23 PM >>>
> There's a question I can answer.
> I think the next step for us is to prepare a preliminary report on the 
> topic of the purpose of Whois.  This report will likely include both 
> of the definitions of purpose presented in Vancouver, along with an 
> indication of which constituencies/reps support each.
> I believe that the only question raised in Vancouver was wether in 
> addition to the contact information for one or more problem solves, 
> some sort of information that clearly ties the domain to the 
> registrant should be included.  I'd be interested to hear TF members'
> views on this.
> With that as the only outstanding issue, I think we can ask Maria to 
> at least start putting together the framework of a preliminary report 
> that will present both of the definitions.  Once that is done, we can 
> vote and indicate our support for the two approaches.  Then the report 
> can be published for public comment and we can see if there is further 
> feedback there that may help resolve the apparent impasse.
> I suggest that we have our next call on December 20 (which I realize 
> is quite close to Christmas), and that we ask Maria to distribute an 
> initial draft of a report by December 16 (next Friday) so that we can 
> begin to consider in on that call.
> Jordyn
> On 12/9/05, Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> As interesting as this discourse as, can someone fill me in on next 
>> steps for this working group? It wasn't quite clear coming out of VCR 
>> (at least not to me)...

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