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[gnso-dow123] Preliminary summary of Whois call - 31 January, 2006

  • To: <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] Preliminary summary of Whois call - 31 January, 2006
  • From: "Maria Farrell" <maria.farrell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 18:49:49 +0100

Dear all,
Attached is the preliminary summary of yesterday's Whois Task Force call. 
To support the task force's current move to a shorter, weekly call, I am
circulating this summary within 24 hours of the call.  This should help you
understand the main agreements / tasks in time to progress the work before
our next call. 
However, to speed things up, the summary hasn't been reviewed by the task
force chair, Jordyn Buchanan.  So please let me know if you believe there
are any inaccuracies, etc.    
The next task force call will be next Tuesday, 7 February 2006.  Glen will
circulate the call-in details. 
All the best, Maria
WHOIS Task Force conference call

31st January 2006


Preliminary summary




Jordyn Buchanan (Task Force Chair, Reg'r) 

Ross Rader (Reg'r) 

Tom Keller (Reg'r)

Tim Ruiz (Reg'r)

Kathy Kleiman (NCUC)


Reg'r  - Registrars Constituency

Reg'y - gTLD Registries Constituency

BC - Business & Commercial Users Constituency

NCUC - Non-Commercial Users Constituency)

IPC - Intellectual Property  Interests Constituency 

ISPCP - Internet Service Providers & Connectivity Providers Constituency

ALAC - At Large Advisory Committee 

Steve Metalitz (IPC)

David Maher (Reg'y)

Simon Sheard (Reg'y)

Ken Stubbs (Reg'y) 

Glen de Saint Gery - GNSO Secretariat

Maria Farrell - GNSO Policy Officer






1                                 Review of proposals on the remaining work
items of the task force's terms of reference

The task force heard from Simon Sheard, Ross Rader and Kathy Kleiman on
their model/proposals for Whois. Simon Sheard of GNR described the Whois
system developed by GNR in consultation with the UK Information
Commissioner.  This description was not a 'proposal' for how to run Whois
generally. It will be used by the task force as a model for comparison and
to examine its interaction and possible effect on the two formulations of
the purpose of Whois. Ross Rader described the Operational Point of Contact
proposal. Kathy Kleiman described the NCUC proposal and noted that it was as
much a process proposal as a substance proposal.  There was a short, factual
discussion of each model/proposal, as task force members asked questions of
each presenter.   


The next three task force calls will each deal with one proposal/model


The task force will consider:

.        whether the proposals/model fit with the proposed formulations of

.        whether adjustments might be made to make them fit with one or both
formulations, and

.        ways the proposals/model might be adapted to be more useful and
acceptable to the task force. 


The calls will deal with the proposals/model in the following order:

7 February - Operational Point of Contact proposal (Ross Rader)

14 February - GNR .name model (Simon Sheard)

21 February - NCUC proposal (Kathy Kleiman)


The three criteria the proposals/model will be measured against are in
connection with the task force's outstanding work items under its terms of

1                    definition of the contacts 

2                    access

3                    accuracy

Task force members should consider if the proposals/model address those
criteria and how, and if they are silent on these criteria, whether to
modify the proposals/model. 



*       Task force members to examine the proposals/model as detailed above.

*       Task force to meet weekly for one hour for the next three weeks. 
*       Kathy Kleiman to modify the NCUC proposal so that it is more
targeted / substantive. 


Next task force meeting:  7 February, 2006.  

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