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[gnso-dow123] Far off list topic, but still worth posting here

  • To: <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] Far off list topic, but still worth posting here
  • From: "Bret Fausett" <bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 13:17:13 -0700

Ross (and you can pass this on the Registrars),

Rob's point about the registrant deciding not to renew the name -- but still
being surprised about the fact that someone else re-registered it -- speaks
to a need for user education....and maybe a new registry-registrar service
as well. 

First on the education, speaking on behalf of the ALAC, I think we'd be
interested in having a larger conversation with the registrars and the
registrant interests in the GSNO (Business, Non-Commercial) about ways to
educate users about the use and deletion of domain names. Perhaps a FAQ
could be created jointly and distributed on the ICANN web site, with
customer-facing links at the registrar point of sale.

Second, on the service, I think there's some sum that registrants would be
willing to pay to kill a name forever. Worth considering.

          -- Bret


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