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Re: [gnso-dow123] Formulation 1/Revised Formulation 2

  • Subject: Re: [gnso-dow123] Formulation 1/Revised Formulation 2
  • From: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 13:19:14 -0400

As the Council debates a revised Formulation 2, I thought it might be useful if we also shared ideas. While many of TF members sit on the Council, many others do not. So here is my analysis of Formulation 1 and Revised Formulation

Kathryn -

Thanks for the overview.

It actually appears that there is some confusion at Council regarding the status of Formulation #2. Best that I can tell, is that a proposal has been made to withdraw Formulation #2 in favor of a revised statement proposing to deal with some elements of the purpose of data collection for whois (as opposed to purpose of whois). It is all very confusing, except to say that only one Councilors supports formulation #2 as written.

Here is is a quick run-down of support for Form. 2 based on the last Council meeting in Wellington;

Greg Ruth, ISPC - support modified Form. 2
Tony Holmes, ISPC - Form. 2 does not meet expectations. (probably supports modified Form. 2, but record is unclear)
Tony Harries, ISPC - support modified Form. 2
Marilyn Cade, BCUC - support modified Form. 2
Grant Forsyth, BCUC - support modified Form. 2
Philip Sheppard, BCUC - record not clear. Has proposed alternative to Form. 1 and Form 2.
Robin Gross, NCUC - does not support Form. 2
Norbert Klein, NCUC - does not support Form. 2
Ross Rader, R'rar - does not support Form. 2
Maureen Cubberly, NomComm - record of support unclear, requested modification of Form. 2
Avri Doria, NomComm - does not support Form. 2
Sophia Bekele, NomComm - support modified Form. 2
Bret Fausett, ALAC Liaison - does not support Form. 2
Ken Stubbs, R'ry - does not support Form. 2
June Seo, R'ry - does not support Form. 2
Kiyoshi Tsuru, IPC - supports Form. 2

It is unclear to what extent that those Councilors seeking modification of Form. 2 would actually settle for Form. 2 if they could not modify it. It is very clear that none of those seeking modification of Form. 2 support Form. 1.


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