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[gnso-et] Suggested agenda for ET call next week

  • To: <gnso-et@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-et] Suggested agenda for ET call next week
  • From: "Caroline Greer" <cgreer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 18:12:40 -0000


Below is a suggested agenda for our ET call next Monday / Tuesday [Glen, could 
you send through the doodle as soon as you can please? Thanks!].

I have tried to capture some of the questions / issues that we have been 
throwing around by email as well as some additional questions of my own. 
However, please feel free to suggest other items that you think we should 
discuss and indeed start chipping in with any thoughts by email if people find 
this helpful.

I may be offline for a good part of tomorrow but will check in periodically 
and/or over the weekend.




*       Quick review of timing / process:
                → Application period closes 7th March
                → Schedule an ET call (maybe 2?) for ICANN week? [Need to plug 
in dates / times now as schedules fill up]
                → ET to provide an update report to Council NLT 14th March, 
esp. as regards the open slots. [Is anyone attending Nairobi available to give 
an update to the  Council during the week - is this needed Chuck?]
                → Constituency Day at ICANN is 9th March. SGs encouraged to 
discuss / endorse their candidates with final confirmation, if extra time is 
needed, to be sent to  ET  reps by 14th March.
                → Special Council meeting is 15th or 16th March? [TBC]
                → Communication to Janis / Peter - when?
*       Review process - issues / questions:
1.      What happens in the case of any incomplete applications? Are / should 
applicants be given a short window chance to amend?
2.      Does the ET allocate ‘homeless’ applicants to slots, where possible, or 
is this something that the Council needs to be involved in?
3.      How do we go about reviewing the applications? 
                             → Do we need to have any sort of discussion on 
applicants endorsed by the SGs or do we just jump straight to the 2 open slots?
                             → Do all ET members review all applications or do 
we divide and conquer and present to each other? 
                             → Do we attempt to (1) prioritize all evaluation 
criteria (2) identify top 2 or 3 criteria that we all agree to be super 
important (3) take a holistic big picture 
                                  approach to evaluation and rank accordingly? 
(4) throw out our individual ‘top picks’ straight away to see if there is any 
consensus from the get-go? 
                             → How and when do we plug in the diversity 
                             → What are we trying to do - reach consensus on 
applicants, provide options / slates / recommendations to Council, or provide a 
summary report on each 
                                  candidate and their strengths / weaknesses 
and let Council decide?

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