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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] The Definition of Fast Flux

  • To: RLVaughn <RL_Vaughn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] The Definition of Fast Flux
  • From: Wendy Seltzer <wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 13:22:09 -0400

RLVaughn wrote:
> It hurts what little is left of my brain as well.  But the need for
> precise definition is apparent from both comments as the perceived
> squishiness of the fastflux term and to the conclusions gathered in
> the various steps of the process.
> To everyone's great misfortune I am therefore tossing on my dusty
> mathematician's hat in order to produce some definitions and
> acronyms.  Feel free to ignore them all.

Thanks Randy,

I for one find these distinctions helpful.  I think it's worth
identifying technical characteristics that we can measure and
distinguish, with as much precision as we can, and then being scientific
about how identified harms and benefits are or are not traceable to them.


> Definition:
> A Compromised Host is a computer which has had software functionality
> installed without the express consent of the host's owner.
> Definition:
> A Compromised Host Service Network (CHSN) is a network whose
> infrastructure depends on the use of compromised hosts.
> The above category would include my definition of FF and Rod's
> phishing networks.
> Definition:
> A volatile network is one is purposed to distribute logically
> identical services over multiple (perhaps virtual) hosts at request
> time.
> Both the traditional RRDNS and CDN fall into the definition of
> volatile networks.  Anycast DNS and CDN's also meet the definition of
> volatile networks.
> Definition:
> A volatile CHSN (VCHSN) is a volatile network which is also a CHSN.
> The fastflux vernacular refers to a VCHSN.
> Now consider two networks of intent:
>   a) Illegally Purposed Service Networks; and,
>   b) Politically Purposed Service Networks.
> Definition:
> An Illegally Purposed Service Network (IPSN) is a network whose
> infrastructure is built with the intent of conducting activities
> which are considered to be of an illegal nature.
> Definition:
> A Politically Purposed Service Network (PPSN) is a network whose
> infrastructure is built with the intent of conducting activities which
> are considered to be of a political nature.
> The inclusion of a PPSN in the IPSN category would often be a matter
> of debate.
> Observations:
> An IPSN may not be a CHSN.  As an hypthetical example, pedophile
> networks might be entirely built with voluntarily contributed assests.
> A PPSN may not be a CHSN.  For example, a network purposed for
> political dissent may be built entirely with voluntary assests.
> None of the various service networks described above (IPSN, PPSN,
> CHSN) are necessarily built using volatile (flux) networks.

Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx
phone: +1.914.374.0613
Visiting Professor, American University Washington College of Law
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society

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