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[gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Question -- what should happen at the core, and what at the edge?

  • To: "Fast Flux Workgroup" <gnso-ff-pdp-May08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Question -- what should happen at the core, and what at the edge?
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 08:19:14 -0500

I'm a big one for moving models between communities. Back in the day, I stole the core/edge notion from the networking folks and applied it to the enterprise security stuff I was doing at MnSCU.

And, of course, drew a picture.

I just chopped a whole bunch of stuff out of that picture and threw it up on the wiki as a conversation-starter. This is probably a broader view than our charter supports, but I have a notion where we fit in this model.

First, the picture;


Now some commentary;

A couple of the wedges are out of the enterprise-security stuff (eg Mission Continuity -- or continuity planning). I decided to leave it in, since it raises some interesting questions, but it's not super relevant to our conversation.

I think our working group is representative of the "Shared" layer of the model -- we're the place where the Core (ICANN) and the Edge (all the various stakeholders) meet.

I like the notion of steering at the Core, rowing at the edges, coordinating in between. Doing the heavy lifting at the core is a bad plan (sometimes called "boiling the ocean"). Steering from the edge runs the risk of missing ideas from other stakeholders. Paying attention to the glue between core and edge has been something I've concentrated on for years in the policy work that I've done.

Question for the group -- presuming that this model is ok, what should we be putting at the core, and what at the edges, in our proposals?


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