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RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Definition V4.2

  • To: mike@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Definition V4.2
  • From: Joe St Sauver <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 12:14:04 -0700

Mike mentioned:

#at this point my plea is for converging definitions rather than 
#diverging.  i'm feeling the need to get a stake in the ground and move ON.

Yeah, but if you we the stake in the ground just for the sake of doing
so, and do so wrong, that's not progress.

#routing was discussed in previous email, and i find the "discard it" 
#arguments more compelling.

But is there consensus on that point, or is that a unilateral decision
by the chair? 

#"intent" has been discussed in previous email AND two phone 
#conversations, and i find the "discard it" arguments more compelling.

I would note that due to circumstances beyond my control, namely being
on a plane during the second call, I was unable to participate. As a 
matter of procedural fairness, and given the importance of this point,
I would hope that you would reconsider your decision to call this
issue decided at this point. 

#"change in TTL" correction duly noted -- Dave, you want to comment on 
#that?  is it low TTL, or *changing* TTL, or both?

Changing TTLs simply aren't seen (other than TTL's that are just
normally decrementing the way TTLs always do in caching resolvers). 

But don't just trust me -- ask some of the other researchers I've 
steered your way.

I'm not trying to be obstinant, I just don't want to see us issue a 
report that begins with a fundamentally incorrect description of the

"Measles: a disease characterized by green spots and grey stripes
of the skin, ..."



Disclaimer: all opinions strictly my own. 

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