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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Proposed solutions

  • To: RLVaughn <RL_Vaughn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Proposed solutions
  • From: Dave Piscitello <dave.piscitello@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:36:17 -0700


Randy, given that the Internet is a "collection of interconnected networks", 
dismantling does not necessarily remove all Internet-based threats, but could 
simply result in compartmentalizing threats to specific networks.

It would be interesting to see how certain network operators would react if 
they had no choice but to drink the toxic waste they currently let leak beyond 
their administrative domains.

On 7/31/08 2:17 PM, "RLVaughn" <RL_Vaughn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dave Piscitello wrote:
> Can we agree at the outset of this discussion that there is no single 
> security measure that defeats fast flux and that the solution, like the 
> definition, is multi-faceted, each measure contributing in some way to 
> reducing the threat?

How about solutions between the two strategies of:
      1)  dismantling the Internet - which removes all Internet-based threats
          with probability 1;
      2)  Doing nothing - which removes all Internet-based threats with
          probability 0

The point of the jest being having a handle on the efficacy for
suggested interventions might be of use.

> I'll be frank. I want to preempt another long discussion of TTLs. I am happy 
> to include a bullet item "TTL monitoring and analysis" as item 1 on the list 
> but let's go through the discipline of enumerating all the measures we can 
> think of, as we did with the definition.

> On 7/31/08 12:35 PM, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Seems as though we've got a pretty good handle on the definition.
> How about opening up the floodgates on a discussion of proposed solutions?
> We have a few proposals.  Are there others?  I know that I've sortof
> damped this part of the conversation down a bit, while we were
> hammering out the definition.  Now's the time to present alternatives.
> m
> voice: 651-647-6109
> fax: 866-280-2356
> web: www.haven2.com

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