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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Proposed solutions

  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Proposed solutions
  • From: RLVaughn <RL_Vaughn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:17:39 -0500

Dave Piscitello wrote:
Can we agree at the outset of this discussion that there is no single security 
measure that defeats fast flux and that the solution, like the definition, is 
multi-faceted, each measure contributing in some way to reducing the threat?

How about solutions between the two strategies of:
     1)  dismantling the Internet - which removes all Internet-based threats
         with probability 1;
     2)  Doing nothing - which removes all Internet-based threats with
         probability 0

The point of the jest being having a handle on the efficacy for
suggested interventions might be of use.

I'll be frank. I want to preempt another long discussion of TTLs. I am happy to include a 
bullet item "TTL monitoring and analysis" as item 1 on the list but let's go 
through the discipline of enumerating all the measures we can think of, as we did with 
the definition.

On 7/31/08 12:35 PM, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Seems as though we've got a pretty good handle on the definition.

How about opening up the floodgates on a discussion of proposed solutions?

We have a few proposals.  Are there others?  I know that I've sortof
damped this part of the conversation down a bit, while we were
hammering out the definition.  Now's the time to present alternatives.


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