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[gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Meta: Strawman - Process vs. Policy

  • To: gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Meta: Strawman - Process vs. Policy
  • From: Rodney Joffe <rodney.joffe@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 09:36:46 -0700

I wonder if I could launch a strawman that triggered my question to the group:

Registries and registrars provide metrics (to be defined, but including elements like frequency of flux, date/times, ttls, etc).

Anyone can have access to this data, and can make their own decisions based on the metrics, including obviously using additional metrics provided by any other entity they trust (like apwg, phishtank, etc.).

Anyone can submit a request for takedown.

Registries and registrars are governed by a combination of contractual agreements (with ICANN and/or registries in the case of registrars) as well as local/national laws.

Based on these laws/agreements/policies registries/registrars act or do not act on requests that include evidence

Metrics relating to actions taken are published by registries/ registrars and third parties (like apwg, phishtank, etc)

Users can make decisions about which registries/registrars and or third parties to trust in whatever context they operate (anti-spam ops, web surfers, domain registrants).

Ultimately the market will influence behavior.


Nation/State LEO obviously have the ability to enforce their laws.

ICANN has the ability to proscribe actions to be taken by registries(some) and registrars.

The market bears the cost.

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