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RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] The Charter, what else?

  • To: ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] The Charter, what else?
  • From: Joe St Sauver <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:23:58 -0700

Eric mentioned:

#Yesterday's weekly CIDR shows that GBLX depeered AS27595.
#That leaves just AS19151 and AS26769 as upstreams for a large pile of 

[Without commenting on the "goodness" or "badness" of that AS or any 
activities which it may be involved with...]

Checking Oregon Routeviews, it is clear to me that AS27595 still has
excellent transit connectivity (if anyone wants to see for themselves, try:

  telnet route-views.oregon-ix.net
  rviews (no password required)
  show ip bgp regex _27595$

hit spaces to page through the routeviews output, q will return you
to the prompt from the output, quit at the prompt to exit routeviews)

If you need to decode any AS numbers you don't recognize, ARIN, 
RIPE, APNIC or LACNIC whois will give you AS assignment information
(note that some whois clients will check the RADB by default for ASN
information, but I'd suggest checking ARIN/RIPE/APNIC/LACNIC instead)

#No domain names were harmed, and no registrars were called at 3am.

...and no practical change in reachability for AS27595 has taken 
place, so I guess I must be missing your point/I'm failing to see how 
this ties into the fastflux issue. Was there a particular connection
you had in mind?



Disclaimer: all opinions strictly my own

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