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RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Final or Interim report for Cairo? (was; Placeholder comments on Section 8)

  • To: "'Fast Flux Workgroup'" <gnso-ff-pdp-May08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Final or Interim report for Cairo? (was; Placeholder comments on Section 8)
  • From: "Mike Rodenbaugh" <icann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 08:41:41 -0700

Having a Final Report two days before Cairo begins, will not get it before
Council in Cairo because Councilors (other than me) will not have had time
to digest it.  I also agree that one week to digest the initial draft of the
report and suggest comments has been insufficient, not least because last
week was a short holiday week in the US.  We need at least another week, and
still could aim for an Interim Report at least ten days before Cairo.  (I
don't recall being opposed to this approach, sorry if I seemed so.)

Any serious 'voting' in the WG needs to be carefully considered, not just
wrt the Staff issue.  The whole point of GNSO moving to the WG model is to
avoid voting.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike O'Connor
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 8:26 AM
To: Dave Piscitello; Fast Flux Workgroup
Subject: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Final or Interim report for Cairo? (was;
Placeholder comments on Section 8)

i'll kick this over to a new thread to pull it out of the 
report-contributions you made.

the deadlines are derived from the conversation we had last week, in 
which we agreed that our goal is to get a Final report in front of 
the Council during the Cairo meeting.  laying the tasks that need to 
happen end-to-end gets the report done 2 days before the meeting 
starts (you can look at the tasks/dates on the working-group 
home-page).  slipping a week means that we don't have a Final report 
ready by Cairo, that's all.

one alternative is to go to Cairo with an Interim report, let the 
Council take the report out for the constituency-review and 
public-comment after the meeting and let staff summarize the 
responses -- that would give us a *lot* more time to refine the 
draft, but Mike Rodenbaugh was pretty opposed to this approach.

what do people want to do?  drive for Final report, or ease the 
schedule and present an Interim report?

regarding your "voting in absentia" point -- have you and Marika 
figured out whether you *can* vote?  my sense was that, as staff, you 
weren't supposed to participate in that way.   what's the status of 
that conversation?


At 10:13 AM 9/8/2008, Dave Piscitello wrote:
>This might work if I were coming home any time soon but I leave 
>Sofia to attend meeting in Tallin Estonia. I get home late Saturday.
>I need to understand what deadlines we must meet that cause you to 
>say we are out of time. Can you please identify these for the WG to
>I'll also note that it's challenging to vote in absentia.

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