[gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Overview of FF Working Group call
Dear All, Please find below a short overview of the main points of discussion on yesterday's Fast Flux Working Group call: * As several members of the working group were not able to participate, it was decided to only take decisions on those proposals that were deemed 'non-controversial'. All proposals that were considered 'controversial' have been deferred to the next meeting. In addition, it was decided that for those proposals that were accepted by the WG members present, there would be a possibility for those not on the call to revisit the decision and raise it for discussion at the next call. * The proposal has been made, and was supported by the members of the WG present, to include the rationale statement provided for each proposal adopted in the initial report as an end note with attribution to the author. As some rationales might need some rewording in order to be published, authors are invited to review their rationale statements and provide updates, if necessary. * As only 2 official constituency statements have been submitted to date, Chapter 6 titled Constituency Statements, will be rewritten to include other viewpoints as for example outlined in proposals 36, 38, 39 and 40. * In order to reflect that many positions are not consensus views, it was proposed to consider the model that has been used by previous WGs which labels positions as follows: - Agreement - there is broad agreement within the Working Group (largely equivalent to "rough consensus" as used in the IETF) - Support - there is some gathering of positive opinion, but competing positions may exist and broad agreement has not been reached - Alternative view - a differing opinion that has been expressed, without garnering enough following within the WG to merit the notion of either Support or Agreement. * A paragraph will be added to Chapter 4 'Approach taken by the Working Group' that statements and contributions made by members of the Working Group, apart from Constituency Statements, are made as individuals and not necessarily representing their constituency. * Members of the WG are invited to provide further input, especially for those proposals that do not include any specific wording yet. Furthermore you will find attached the updated proposals overview document, which has highlighted in green those proposals that were accepted by the WG members present. As mentioned before, if there is any concern regarding those proposals accepted, it is possible to revisit these on the next conference call. With best regards, Marika Attachment:
FF Initial Report - Proposals List - 10 September 2008.pdf |