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Re: [gnso-idn-wg] One comment on techno-policy details

  • To: "Tina Dam" <tina.dam@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-idn-wg] One comment on techno-policy details
  • From: "Charles Shaban" <cshaban@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2007 15:20:11 +0200

Thanks Tina but I think we should aim for the future when the whois
will be 8-bits and can display the different scripts. But for now and
speaking as someone who works daily with trademarks I can assure you
that all the trademark owners will consider the name with and without
the xn-- "confusingly similar" since it is expected that it will be
abused to take advantage of famous trademarks.



"Tina Dam" <tina.dam@xxxxxxxxx> on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 at
1:33 PM +0000 wrote:
>Offcourse the problem is that (while it was not the intention at the
>time of
>development of the IDNA protocol) the xn-- version quite often
>appears in
>the browser address. Also, at the current stage the whois protocol
>can only
>display the xn-- version and cannot handle unicode (web could be
>modified to
>include unicode but that is up to the supplier).

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