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[gnso-idng] Recap of Sydney discussions

  • To: <gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-idng] Recap of Sydney discussions
  • From: "Edmon Chung" <edmon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 16:53:53 +0800

Hi Everyone,

Apologies again for the long silence after the Sydney meetings.  Was looking to 
wait for some indications of next step from ICANN staff after the directives 
presented at the Board Meeting (including IDN Registration Data and the work 
team work for new IDN TLDs).  Nevertheless, will continue to push forward.  In 
any case, I think it is great to see the Board taking notice of the issues we 
have been discussing about, especially those relating to New IDN TLDs, 
regardless if they are new IDN ccTLDs or new IDN gTLDs.

OK. We had a very good meeting in Sydney on June 21, the transcript can be 
found at: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-idn-group-21jun09.pdf
We also had a good discussion at the GNSO-CCNSO lunch on June 22 regarding this 
topic.  And also a discussion at the GNSO council meeting on June 24: 

Subsequently, I have corresponded with Zhang Jian of CCNSO to further the 
discussion on putting together a Joint CCNSO-GNSO IDN WG (will call it JIG 
unless someone doesn't like it...).  From the discussion, it quickly became 
apparent that while there is interest to discuss issues of common interest, 
there is significant push back about discussing the issue of timing (of the 
introduction of IDN TLDs into the root).  It seems we will have to decouple the 
discussions afterall:
1. Coordination on introduction of IDN TLDs into the Root
2. Issues of common interest related to implementation of IDN TLDs

Will talk about 2. first.
Based on my discussion with Jian, the conceptual framework of the purpose and 
scope of the JIG would be something as follows:
- Purpose:
        - Discuss and produce policy and implementation recommendations for 
ICANN in the implementation of IDN TLDs that are common between IDN ccTLDs and 
- Scope:
        - Issues of common interest to both IDN ccTLDs and IDN gTLDs will be 
        - Where an issue is raised and is identified by the CCNSO or the GNSO 
as not being an issue of common interest
- Short Term Objectives / Issues to be discussed:
        - Variant management at the root (variant TLD strings)
        - Length of IDN TLDs
        - IDNA Standards Revision
        - Domain Bundling across TLDs (and cost / ICANN Fees considerations)

While some of these topics are being envisioned to be discussed in a staff-led 
work team, I think it doesn't hurt to start the discussion here.

For 1. I think we also had good progress in the discussions in Sydney.  To 
recap, I think the consensus around the room in the Sydney meeting was as 
a. That any measures to address the issue must be predicated on an 
understanding that it should not cause delay to the full new gTLD process
b. And that only if it becomes apparent that the new gTLD process will be 
further delayed should such measures be implemented
c. First Option is to assert that new IDN ccTLDs and new IDN gTLDs should be 
introduced to the root at approximately the same time, even as both process 
would continue its course unaffected by the other
d. Failing the first option, other measures should be investigated, one of 
which being an IDN gTLD Fast Track
e. If an IDN gTLD Fast Track is to be implemented it must be opened well in 
advance of the anticipated closing of the full new gTLD application process
f. If an IDN gTLD Fast Track is to be implemented, sufficient outreach should 
also be conducted

Given the above, I think we can adjust the previous draft charter for 

Thereupon the question remains as to what we would like to do to move this 
forward.  Seems to me that we should consider:
- request the board to form a WG specifically tasked with the objective
- formation of a GNSO WG tasked with the objective
- both of the above (with the latter starting immediately and merging into the 
former when it can be done)
- reemphasizing c. above

Looking forward to thoughts and comments. :-)


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