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RE: [gnso-idng] RE: same string registered at 2nd level across different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]

  • To: "Tim Ruiz" <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-idng] RE: same string registered at 2nd level across different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 18:29:41 -0500

I think right now that each gTLD has to be bid separately and I would presume 
that they would have separate agreements.  Good question.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tim Ruiz
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 6:23 PM
> To: gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [gnso-idng] RE: same string registered at 2nd level 
> across different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]
> Using the .arab and . ي عرب example, how would that be dealt 
> with contractually? Would both be incorporated into one 
> contract so that there wouldn't be issues later with the 
> League trying to sell them off separately?
> Tim
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: same string registered at 2nd level across 
> different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]
> From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, December 03, 2009 4:46 pm
> To: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>, 
> "Edmon Chung" <edmon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: <gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx>
>  Here's another example why I believe that clarification of 
> the confusingly similar restrictions recommendation is 
> needed: It was made very clear that the League of Arab States 
> would like to apply for two gTLDs, .arab and . ي عرب
> I think it is safe to conclude that these two TLDs are 
> confusingly similar because the mean the same thing.  If the 
> League of Arab States was the registry for both gTLDs, would 
> the two strings cause user confusion?  I seriously doubt it.  
> Should the League of Arab States have to go to Extended 
> Evaulation to establish that?  I certainly do not think so.
> Chuck
> From: owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 7:29 AM
> To: Edmon Chung
> Cc: gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: same string registered at 2nd level across 
> different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]
> I do get it, thanks Edmon. 
> However, the latest, very graphical way in which you have 
> laid it out in
> your email makes it even clearer. Thanks for going to that effort.
> Stéphane
> Le 2 déc. 2009 à 23:52, Edmon Chung a écrit :
> Hi Avri,
> It is really quite simple:
> IF you have "ella.com"
> THEN you can have
> "ella.<COM_in_other_language_also_operated_by_Verisign>"
> You do NOT get a translation of "ella" in ".com"
> Based on your example:
> > I have ella.com
> > would i get ella.Hebrew_TLD-of-dotcom ===> YES
> > would i have אלה.com ===> NO
> > or is that אללה.com ===> NO
> > or maybe even אלילה.com ===> NO
> (unless of course you registered them separately)
> Because I am not sure what ".com" would be in different languages, I
> will turn back to my .asia example for the following explanation:
> IF you have "ella.asia"
> THEN you (and only you) can have
> "ella.<Asia_in_other_language_also_operated_by_DotAsia>"
> i.e.:
> ella.亚洲 ===(Asia in Chinese)
> ella.アジア ===(Asia in Japanese)
> ella.아시아 ===(Asia in Korean)
> ella.เอเซีย ===(Asia in Thai)
> ella.एशिया ===(Asia in Hindi)
> ...etc.
> IF you want "אלה.asia" it will be a different registration.  As you
> correctly pointed out, it is non-unique if you try translations.  Also
> an important point is that this is no different than what 
> happens today,
> so there would be no user confusion (or as chuck corrected to say user
> confusion would be minimized... because it would provide a consistent
> experience)
> Whether:
> אלה.asia == אללה.asia == אלילה.asia
> Is a matter of the IDN Language policy for Hebrew under .ASIA 
> (which in
> fact we are trying to develop right now for our launch and you are
> certainly welcome to provide suggestions :-)) when ".ASIA" launches
> Hebrew registrations.  IF they are to be considered the same by
> registration policies, it would be applied to all
> <.ASIA_in_different_langauge_also_operated_by_DotAsia>.  That 
> is what we
> mean by offering the same string for registration only to the current
> registrant.
> Edmon
> PS. I am not sure others did not get it... at least I think 
> Stephane got
> it... but I may be wrong...
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx] On
> > Behalf Of Avri Doria
> > Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2009 4:53 AM
> > To: gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2 Dec 2009, at 14:27, Gomes, Chuck wrote:
> >
> > > Avri,
> > >
> > > If I understand you correctly, your conclusion is not 
> correct.  FCFS will only
> > apply (for LDH or IDN) if the exact second-level domain is 
> not already registered
> > as a second-level domain name in the applicable TLD (LDH or IDN).
> >
> > On 2 Dec 2009, at 15:14, Edmon Chung wrote:
> >
> > > Edmon: I think Avri you probably mistook the idea... I 
> think what Chuck and
> > > I were talking about is NOT about translation at the 
> second level.  But
> > > offering the same string to the same registrant under an 
> IDN TLD.  More
> > > specifically, for example, a registrant of 
> "computer.asia" will be offered
> > > "computer.???" (where "???" is "Asia" in Japanese), OR a 
> registrant for
> > > "???????.asia" (where "???????" means "Internet" in 
> Japanese) will be
> > > offered "???????.???".  There is no translation involved.
> > >
> > >>
> >
> > Pardon me, but i remain confused:
> >
> > concrete example/question
> > (ps we beter develop a way of talking about this that is 
> not confusing.  if we who
> > supposedl understand at least somewhat of what is going on 
> can't communicate,
> > opps, we have trouble.)
> >
> >
> > I have ella.com and i might like to have it in Hebrew.
> >
> > would i get ella.Hebrew_TLD-of-dotcom
> >
> > or would i have אלה.com
> > or is that אללה.com
> > or maybe even אלילה.com
> >
> > (viable transliterations ad translations)
> >
> > If we are talking about a translation or transliteration 
> then I remian confused as to
> > how one does it.  If you talking about just giving me the 
> LDH with a IDN-tld, ok, i
> > understand.
> >
> > a.

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