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Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] IGO/GNSO Working Group Meeting Times

  • To: "Roache-Turner, David" <david.roacheturner@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] IGO/GNSO Working Group Meeting Times
  • From: Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 12:41:22 +0100

Dear David,
thanks for your e-mail. Due to the global nature of our work and the places 
where participants are located, we will not be able to find a time that is 
pleasant for all participants. 

I guess the best we can do is to work on a rotation of starting times. We will 
look into that.

Kind regards from 
Thomas (who is in the same time zone as you are :-))

Am 06.12.2012 um 12:33 schrieb "Roache-Turner, David" 

> Dear all,
> Current WG Meeting Time
> Currently we are meeting on Wednesdays at an hour that is quite late and 
> potentially quite difficult for some participants, as some of us also touched 
> on in the meeting before last.  If it would be the case that 19:00 UTC on 
> Wednesday is the only time available for a majority of us on that day, I 
> would like to propose that the WG consider moving our regular meeting to a 
> different day, which would accommodate an earlier meeting time.  
> Difficulties Due to Lateness for Those in Certain Time Zones
> For those of us on CET (or approximate time zones), our current Wednesday 
> time (19:00 – 21:00 UTC) means a regular weekly two hour (pro bono) working 
> commitment, falling between and 8pm and 10pm at night.  While it is always a 
> challenge to find the best balance in time for a group as geographically 
> diverse as this one is, especially for those of us with families or other 
> understandable evening commitments who are engaged in contributing our 
> expertise to a group whose collective efforts may need to extend over a 
> significant period of time, I think we need to try and find a day which would 
> more reasonably accommodate an earlier time for those of us engaged in this 
> process from in and around the European time-zones.
> Proposal to Consider Shifting Meeting Day
> If others agree, might I propose that we review the 2013 schedule, and 
> suggest that the ICANN staff colleagues consider creating another Doodle poll 
> to not only look at another time, but another day, that may accommodate such 
> earlier schedule.  I understand that Mondays (or possibly Tuesdays) could 
> perhaps offer up better options not only for members of this WG, but from a 
> GNSO perspective, the schedule may also be less competitive with other WG 
> activities.
> Apologies In Advance for next Week’s meeting
> For my own part, I also extend my apologies in advance for not being able to 
> attend our next week’s meeting, at 19:00 UTC (8pm BET) on Wednesday on Dec 
> 12, due to a prior and regrettably unavoidable commitment that evening.  
> With best wishes,
> David Roache-Turner    
> World Intellectual Property Organization Disclaimer: This electronic message 
> may contain privileged, confidential and copyright protected information. If 
> you have received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately notify the 
> sender and delete this e-mail and all its attachments. Please ensure all 
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Thomas Rickert, Rechtsanwalt
Schollmeyer &  Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft m.b.H. (i.e. law firm)
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