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[gnso-igo-ingo] MP3 IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group - 19 December 2012

  • To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] MP3 IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group - 19 December 2012
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 16:04:55 -0800

Dear All,

The next call for the IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) 
Working Group is scheduled on Wednesday 9 January at 19:00 UTC

Please find the MP3 recording of the IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development 
Process (PDP) Working Group  teleconference held on Wednesday 19 December 2012  
at 1900 UTC at:


On page: 

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master 
Calendar page:


Thomas Rickert - NCA -Working group chair
Lanre Ajayi - Nominating Committee Appointee
Iliya Bazlyankov - RrSG
Mason Cole - RrSG
David Maher - RySG
Chuck Gomes - RySG
Jonathan Robinson RySG
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
Robin Gross - NCSG
Stephane Hankins - IPC
David Heasley - IPC
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC
Jim Bikoff - IPC
Greg Shatan - IPC
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit - ISO
Avri Doria - NCSG
Wolfgang Kleinwächter - NCSG
Avri Doria - NCSG
Osvaldo Novoa - ISPCP
Apology :
Wilson Abigaba - NCSG
Paul Diaz - RySG
David Roache-Turner  WIPO
Mary Wong - NCSG
Ken Stubbs - RySG
Cintra Sooknanan - NPOC
Donna Austin - AusRegistry
Christopher Rassi - Red Cross
Ricardo Guilherme - RySG

ICANN Staff:
Margie Milam
Brian Peck
Berry Cobb

Glen de Saint Géry

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Adobe Chat transcript  for 19 DEC 2012

Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 19 DEC 2012 IGO-INGO Conference Call.

Kiran Malancharuvil: Jim Bikoff and David Heasley are both on the call as well.

avri: red lines in tables eventually break in word.

avri: and especially if anyone uses OpenOffice on OfficeLibre for doc files, 
the files will become a real mess,

avri: i still think wiki table with history a version comparison is a better 

David Opderbeck: What about using Google Docs?

Chuck Gomes: Do wiki tables support redlining?

avri: yu can use hostory comparison quite easily.

Osvaldo Novoa: Sorry, I'm Late

Chuck Gomes: Is that a no on the redlining?

avri: i find the hiostyr comarison mechanism very easy to use and it does note 
who made what change.

Chuck Gomes: I am willing to use whatever is decided.

avri: me too, i  will any tool, including one i have never heard of before.

avri: just wanring based on what i have seen in groups this large manipulating 
a common file.

avri: So basically you are seprating postive conditions as criteria and 
negative ones as elegibility?

avri: and who does elibibilty check is implementation. No?

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO): how about "evalution"?

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO): evaluation, sorry.

Chuck Gomes: It is good to remember that the community can and should be 
involved in implementation work as well as policy work.

avri: thanks i am less confused now.  i acept that the status quo wins on this 

Berry Cobb: Eligibility Process

Alan Greenberg: @Chuck. Not only agree, but suggest that there MUST be 
community involvement. We have enough cases (including the entire gTLD 
implementation itself) .

Berry Cobb: It was Greg's.  Just correcting his use of Admission.  #confusion.  

Greg Shatan: I agree with Berry

Kiran Malancharuvil: I just got disconnected as well

Kiran Malancharuvil: I'm sorry if you're trying to call on me next

Greg Shatan: Yes you were called on.

Kiran Malancharuvil: Sorry

Kiran Malancharuvil: tried to unmute and hung up instead

Kiran Malancharuvil: I'm back on now, thanks

Kiran Malancharuvil: Thanks Claudia, what we used to fill out the QC sheet 
preliminarily was the official submissions to ICANN by the groups that are 
being considered.  Not to impugn your input in the group, but I haven't seen 
any written statement from ISO or the INGO community that specificially answers 
the questions asked.

Kiran Malancharuvil: but I'm looking forward to your answers

Kiran Malancharuvil: and exploring the answers that you already submitted

avri: I do not think we ever resolved that question. I beleive AND is a binary 
condition and not an OR.  I raly on trusth tables for my defintion.

avri: ..  truth tables ...

Greg Shatan: Sorry -- I am on chat but not phone

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO): Kiran, the community already has access to 
prior submissions.  Clearly this group is free to make other considerations 
that may well be broader and more objective.

Kiran Malancharuvil: Indeed.  But we lacked any submission or statement from 
INGO by which to work with, hence "TBD."  We look forward to your submission 
via this table, and hopefully submissions from other INGOs

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO): I agree.  It's important to avoid granting 
special protections on a discriminatory basis but rather to consider objective 
reasons to do so.

Kiran Malancharuvil: an excellent and concise statement of the mission of this 

Kiran Malancharuvil: *group

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO): Agree with Alan

Kiran Malancharuvil: Thank Alan - that list comes from the submission of the 
IGO community

Kiran Malancharuvil: and I believe it is the language of the Paris Convention

Kiran Malancharuvil: Article 6ter

avri: Alan do you meant a red cross painted on the top of an ambulance is this 
the same as a second level string and is not necessarily a legal equivalent?

avri: ambulance is not the same ...

Alan Greenberg: Avri, I don't really have a clue. But I know that we need to 
connect the dots between some treaty and a part of a domain name.

Greg Shatan: I am back on phone....

Kiran Malancharuvil: Claudia - do you mind speaking a bit slower?

avri: I do not think the Geneva conventions are as clear to all of those who 
read them as being applicable to domoan names.  or even to the printed word.

wolfgang: I lost the connection. My battery went down. Can you call me in again 
under *49-171-6324889?

avri: so i think we need a evauation fo scope of applciability

Kiran Malancharuvil: Avri - I think that's under "scope of protectios and 
limitations" and we can definitely add your concerns and try to address them

avri: Kiran, thanks.

Kiran Malancharuvil: Thomas, it's really important to speak on Nature of the 
Problem.  can the other group member speak to it?

Glen de Saint Gery: Wolfgang is back on the call

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO): agree with Greg

Berry Cobb: If members have an interest in joining anothe sub-team, please 
email me your request and I will make sure to add you to the sub-team mailing 

Berry Cobb: Otherwise, you are free to email the sub-team lead directly to 
express your changes/suggestions to the spreadsheet.

avri: Just becasue something is not agreed to, does not mean in is not 
objective.  Though of course evidence should be offered.

Berry Cobb: Volunteers to the NOTP are encouraged.

Greg Shatan: I am on chat but had to get off phone...

David Opderbeck: I will also report to Robin as a member of her committee...

Berry Cobb: Thank you David O.

Greg Shatan: Back on phone...

avri: seems like the opition should be included in the sheet in any case.

Berry Cobb: @Greg, it is listed as Row 11 of Protections SS.

Greg Shatan: Oops my bad... Had trouble scrolling.  Dang Excel.

Berry Cobb: When proposing adding criteria to a particular spreadsheet, team 
leads should review the other tabs just to ensure it may not have been picked 
up by another.

Evan Leibovitch: Not much to say. Under the weather. Just following along.

Berry Cobb: As an FYI to the WG, the GNSO Council meeting is tomorrow.  the 
IOC/RCRC DT Recommendations is on the agenda.  Stay tuned.

avri: 2nd is ok for me.

Berry Cobb: FYI, by tomorrow I will have explored other tools for our work 
package.  Default is to remain in spreadsheet, but I will explore a few other 
tools to see if gain anything.

Kiran Malancharuvil: Thanks Berry, for all your hard work on this!

Thank you.

Kind r egards,

Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat

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