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[gnso-igo-ingo] MP3 IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group - 23 January 2013
- To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] MP3 IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group - 23 January 2013
- From: Julia Charvolen <julia.charvolen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 14:57:31 -0800
Dear All,
The next call for the IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development Process (PDP)
Working Group is scheduled on Wednesday 30 January at 19:00 UTC
Please find the MP3 recording of the IGO-INGO Protections Policy Development
Process (PDP) Working Group teleconference held on Wednesday 23 January 2013
at 1900 UTC at:
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#jan
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master
Calendar page:
Lanre Ajayi - Nominating Committee Appointee
Iliya Bazlyankov – RrSG
Alain Berranger - NPOC
Jim Bikoff – IPC/IOC
Avri Doria – NCSG
Elizabeth Finberg - RySG
Chuck Gomes - RySG
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
Catherine Gribbin - Red Cross
Robin Gross - NCSG
Stephane Hankins - NCSG
David Heasley - IPC/IOC
Wolfgang Kleinwaechter - NCSG
Evan Lebovitch - ALAC
David Maher - RySG
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC/IOC
Osvaldo Novoa - Red Cross
Christopher Rassi - Thomas Rickert - NCA
Thomas Rickert – NCA –Working group chair
Greg Shatan - IPC
Ken Stubbs - RySG
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit - ISO
Mary Wong - NCUC
Apology :
Paul Diaz – RySG
ICANN Staff:
Brian Peck
Berry Cobb
Julia Charvolen
** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **
Adobe Chat transcript for 23 January 2013
Berry Cobb:Welcome to the 23 JAN 2013 IGO-INGO Conference Call.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):David Heasley is also on the call.
Julia Charvolen:thank you I will note that
Osvaldo Novoa:Hello all, sorry I'm late
Berry Cobb:David Maher should be joining the call shortly.
Berry Cobb:Osvaldo, you will be up next to talk to the ISP input statement.
Osvaldo Novoa:I'm trying to connect by phone, I'm waiting on line
Evan Leibovitch:hello all
Osvaldo Novoa:I'm on line now
Mary Wong:Tee hee, Thomas said "technical glitch" :)
Chuck Gomes:Well said Avri
David Mahe:I am trying to call in using Skype but can't connect.
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit:Did Thomas just go offline?
Thomas Rickert:I am still there!
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit:Sorry, I was just kicked off the call.
Greg Shatan:Me too.
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit:Is there something wrong with the conference
calling center? Still on hold.
Alan Greenberg:Perhaps hang up and try again
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit:just got back!
David Mahe:I'm now connected
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit:Agree with Avri on multiple factors
Alan Greenberg:@Avri. Well said.
Evan Leibovitch:+1 Alan and Avri
Alan Greenberg:Jim, could you put the 17,000 calculation in writing in an
e-mail or this chat?
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):approx 950 new gTLDs x 2 words x 9
Evan Leibovitch:Greg, nothing in Alan's work, on its own, appears to
demonstrate fraud or abuse, in that none of the "squatted" sites appears to be
misrepresenting themselves. If there are some specifics you can offer in this
regard, pleas do.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Evan, do you view parked websites with
advertisements as "misrepresentative"
Evan Leibovitch:No.
Evan Leibovitch:Unless they claim they are the organization
Evan Leibovitch:"This domain is for sale" is, in fact, a clear sign that the
site is NOT representative of the org
Alan Greenberg:I and a lot of others would be delighted to get rid of parked,
monetized web sites. But at the moment under curent policy, there is nothing to
prohibit them.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Evan... you don't think they are
unfairly and intentionally capitalizing on initial interest confusion
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):passing off
Alan Greenberg:On questions to ask, I woul also like to see some measure of
"user" use of the web site, but I am not sure exactly how to measure it.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):or other behaviour prohibited by law?
Evan Leibovitch:If they don't represent themselves as being the org they are
not passing off, IMO
Mary Wong:As a fellow member of the Admissions team, I agree with Avri's
distinction between Quals & Adm.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Interesting Evan.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Thanks for clarifying your position.
Avri Doria:I also beleive we should give free electricty to public interst
Greg Shatan:Initial interest confusion implies that the user has visited the
parked and monetized site because they thought they were going to the "real"
site. I don't see how initial interest confusion is not implicated.
Avri Doria:And they should go rent free.
Evan Leibovitch:Greg: They were *lookin* for the real site. Landing at a
squatted siite just meant that they landed at the wrong place, not that they
were confused.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):initial interest confusion =/= actual
confusion Evan
Greg Shatan:We charge rent and electricity to organizations because the
providers incur costs in delivering the service or the space. Where is the
analogous cost here?
Evan Leibovitch:A park page that does not represent itself as the org is
neither passing off not necessarily a source of confusion
Greg Shatan:The confusion may or may not be alleviated when they get there,
but they got there because they experienced initial interest confusion.
Evan Leibovitch:It *can* be, but that has to be demonstrated. It is neither
implicit nor obvious
Mary Wong:Hasn't initial interest confusion been doubted in some
cases/Circuits in the US?
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Evan, why would someone park
Olympic.whatever if they weren't attempting to make money on ads from the
confusion of internet users?
Alan Greenberg:If there is policy (ICANN or otherwise) preventing
monetization, someone is doing a VERY bad job at enforcement. My understand,
which might be wrong, is that monetization with no pretence of masquerading at
the original entity, is not forbidden. If I am wrong, I would be delighted to
understand what the reality is.
Chuck Gomes:Is monetization automactically disallowed in a UDRP case?
Alan Greenberg:Chuck, I thought it was not if there is no attempt at
mis-representation. BUt we have many tm laywers on this call...
Alan Greenberg:Lawyers
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):You cannot use someone elses And yes,
monetization of someone's trademark is automatically disallowed in a UDRP case
and court action.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):*someone elses tm in that way
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):half my sentence disappeared!
Mary Wong:Definition of "abuse" from the RAPWG 2010 final report: Abuse is an
action that:a. Causes actual and substantial harm, or is a material predicate
of such harm, andb. Is illegal or illegitimate, or is otherwise considered
contrary to the intention and design of a stated legitimate purpose, if such
purpose is disclosed.
Osvaldo Novoa:Thomas, I agree with your statement
Berry Cobb:Just to point out from RAPWG, there was no consenus on delination
between Use Abuse and Registration Abuse.
Alan Greenberg:Kiran/JIm, to be clear. If I have a domain name that is a typo
or exact match that monetizes on the general area of business but do not claim
any connection is actionable in a UDRP?
Evan Leibovitch:"troublesome" is in the eye of the beholder
wolfgang:Thanks Mary for the definitjon of abuse. Indeed, not everything is
an abuse
Mary Wong:@Berry, yes, that's why I focused on the definition only, which was
a consensus position.
Mary Wong:@Greg, I agree - content analysis would be inappropriate.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):@Alan - if you add "..a typo or exact
match of a trademark..." then YES
Evan Leibovitch:It is my view that Alan's wording closely reflects the ALAC
approach to this issue
Evan Leibovitch:There is substantial skepticism within At-Large of the
claimed *public interest* harm asserted in the absense of the blocking measures
being advocated by some.
Evan Leibovitch:His request is simply a request to "prove it"/
wolfgang:can somebody call me in again under *49-171-6324889. My battery went
down on the other phone.
Alan Greenberg:@KIran/Jim, sso Redcross.biz (I think Redcross in a TM in the
US) would be taken down if a UDRP was filed?
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):I couldn't possibly speculate on a
specific case. I'm not a judge.
Evan Leibovitch:But you're agreeing that itś not obvious.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):No Evan, I'm not agreeing to that at
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):I'm just being careful not to run afoul
of the limitations of my license to practice law, by not offering advice on the
outcome of a specific case.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):I would suggest that you review past
UDRP cases and decisions to answer your questions.
Alan Greenberg:Understood. But then perhaps the " if you add "..a typo or
exact match of a trademark..." then YES" was a bit of overkill.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):nope. because it has to be a trademark
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):you said a typo or exact match, but
didn't say trademark
Evan Leibovitch:what is the trademark is in a dictionary word such as "apple"
or "tide" or "shell"?
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Again, I would refer you to past UDRP
cases for guidance on specific issues rather than broad questions about causes
of action.
Alan Greenberg:OK, I will try to re-phrase. If a site TRADEMARK.biz is a
monetized site that clearly is pointing to subjects related to the trademark's
business, but clearly is not claiming to be that orgaization, it would likely
win a UDRP?
Alan Greenberg:@Stephane, you have a lot of sympathy for the
"strings-contained-in" scenario, but unfortunately (for you) that this is not
what we are currently charged with.
Greg Shatan:I don't think there is anything in the resolution that limits our
considerations to exact matches.
Kiran Malancharuvil/Jim Bikoff (IOC):Alan, IN GENERAL... the trademark owner
would win the UDRP in that case.
Greg Shatan:What list?
Avri Doria:Alan, the data we are looking for is actaully part of the solution.
Alan Greenberg:Avri, it may help form the solution, but I would like to look
at it and then decide what numbers are to be used.
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit:Greg plus 1
Avri Doria:to be clear some are looking for reservations of the type
Alan Greenberg:@mary "Risky" - a rather mild word for the swamp we will be in
if we look at wider than exact match.
Alan Greenberg:Clearing houese is just a LARGE reserved names list...
Mary Wong:@Alan, right - that's why my reasons are more than just based on
our charter :)
Chuck Gomes:Let's try to minimize longer statements
Mary Wong:Thanks, Thomas - excellent steering and chairing, as usual.
Chuck Gomes:Thanks Thomas
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