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Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] Need clarification on scope of names

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] Need clarification on scope of names
  • From: Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 16:47:47 +0100

Hello Avri,
that is definitely a question that needs to be answered. Thank you for 
reminding us of your important statement in the chat.

There are three parts to the question in my opinion:

1. Our task
I had explained that I understood our charter to task us with protection of 
identical matches of the names and acronyms. We should get more views on how 
the charter shall be construed (I know that at least two participants of the 
call expressed that they deem the charter to be broader).

2. The wishes of the participants
What level of protection do the requesting parties wish? In my view our 
discussions should under no circumstances go beyond the actual need for 
protection voiced by the requesting parties.

3. Level of similarity
You mentioned examples where the SLD is either an exact match or included in 
the string. Just to make sure we do not need to revisit this discussion later: 
Is there anyone in the group that wishes to even go beyond that, i.e. by 
considering similar strings and not exact matches, such as typos or other 
variations (e.g. redcrss.gTLD)? 



Am 24.01.2013 um 16:24 schrieb Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>:

> hi,
> I asked a question on the list yesterday about the sort of names that people 
> were wanting to protect.
> Let 
> ExactString == exact matches  and
> %s == an arbitrary string, and
> * repeat an arbitrary number of times
> do we want to protect against  
> a. {ExactString}  ............e.g redcross.gTLD
> b. {%sExactString%s} ..e.g erehwon-redcross-services.gTLD
> c. {{%sExactString}*%s} ...e.g. 
> erehwon-redcross-redcrescent-and-redshield-official.gTLD
> thanks
> avri

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