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[gnso-igo-ingo] An incomplete conversation on What is due based on global public service

  • To: GNSO IGO INGO <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] An incomplete conversation on What is due based on global public service
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 10:37:07 -0500


As part of one of the sidechats yesterday, the following (approximate) 
conversations occurred:

- conversationally one speaker indicated that the financial consideration was 
not really the point, what was the point was that these organizations, for some 
definitions of the set of organizations, deserved speciall treatment because of 
the global public interest they served.

- in chat, I wrote that I also supported the notion of allowing those who 
served the global public interest to all get their electricity and rent for 
free.  With the unspoken caveat, that I did not think this was universally 

- the response siad, that yes, it was ok for them to pay for Electricity and 
rent because the Utilities  and Landlords were providing a service that cost 
money.  So it was not equivalent.

By the time I noticed this response, the conversation had moved on.  

So I repsond here.

In one way, the protections that are being demanded do have a cost, not only to 
the providers of the protection services but to the general public, the one 
being served, by denying them competitive opportunities - something that is 
enshrined n ICANN's mission.

My example, however, might have been better thought out.

Do we beleive that global public servants should recive free protection from 
all of life's dangers.  When they work in a dangerous environment, should they 
get their body guards and helmets for free?  Should they have free insurance to 
protect them fires?  In the best of al posslble worlds, I would probably 
support this idea.  but this is ICANn and we are not in the best of all 
possible worlds.

As I mentioned elsewhere  not only do I think the financial burden that this 
puts of IGO-INGO need to be evaluated, I think that the recommendations that 
are made for criterian and admission should not only be gated by history of 
financial hardship but could be discounted based on financial hardship.


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