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[gnso-igo-ingo] Consensus call - input requested by 3 September, 23.59 UTC

  • To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] Consensus call - input requested by 3 September, 23.59 UTC
  • From: Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 23:17:54 +0200

thank you again for a productive call earlier today. As you can see from the 
attached document, we have incorporated the changes that were requested. These 

1)      A separate general table with language was added for those 
organizations that are granted protection and for the designations that are 
2)      The error of Rec #5 for IGOs was removed.
3)      Scope1,2 for INGOs are updated.
4)      The TMCH recommendations to include scope 1 are adjusted.
5)      The reference to the current assessment of the consensus level was 
6)      The consensus scale introduction has been removed.

I understand that not everyone in the working group is happy with the 
recommendations, but it is my belief that this document includes the 
recommendations that got most traction based on the analysis of the discussions 
we had and the documents that were exchanged during the course of the WG and in 
part of the pre-decessing drafting team. 

As positions held by working group members have been exchanged and discussed by 
the group and no new ideas are in sight despite working group meetings, 
G-Council briefings, public comment and the session in Durban, it is now time 
to conduct the consensus call, which I hereby initiate. 

Please note that the "Recommendations not Receiving adequate support for all 
organizations" are NOT part of the consensus call as they did not get 
sufficient traction. However, they are included for information purposes. 

I would now ask you to get back to your respective groups / organizations and 
provide feedback on the recommendations. You are not required to give one 
answer for all protections and all categories of organizations, but you can 
indicate the position for each item individually. 

It is very well possible that one or more recommendations in the table to not 
reach consensus level, but I took the approach to only exclude those options 
that obviously did not enjoy substantial support. 

In case you / your group wishes to file a minority position, please make sure 
that you have that ready be the end of the deadline. I understand that some of 
you wish to make such statements. 

One final remark: I know that meeting the dates in the work plan is ambitious. 
I know that all of you have generously given your time and expertise to allow 
the working group to get as far as we are now. Wouldn't it be great to enable 
both the GNSO Council as well as the ICANN Board to see the results of our work 
by the next ICANN meeting? This would help avoid a policy clash and also 
demonstrate that consensus-driven community work does not take ages despite a 
highly controversial and complex topic.

Your input is requested by 3 September 2013 @ 23:59 UTC

Thanks again,

Attachment: IGO-INGO_Consensus_Recommendations_v0.6.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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