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RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Proposal for Deferral of Motions

  • To: Ron Andruff <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Proposal for Deferral of Motions
  • From: Krista Papac <Krista.Papac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 08:18:04 +1000

I support option 2.

Krista Papac
General Manager, Policy & Industry Affairs
AusRegistry Group Pty Ltd
Email: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:krista.papac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Web: www.ausregistry.com

From: owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ron Andruff
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:32 AM
To: gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx; 'Julie Hedlund'; 'Nathalie Peregrine'
Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Proposal for Deferral of Motions

SCI colleagues,

This email is in response to the Chairman's request that I prepare a proposal 
for us to 'vote' on to resolve the discussion around deferral of motions. Many 
thanks to Julie Hedlund for her work in preparing this for your review.

As we discussed during our most recent meeting this past Thursday, Aug. 9th, we 
seem to be coalescing around couple of ways to address the issue of deferral of 
motions.  As you may recall, the issue was whether to create a rule in the GNSO 
Council Operating Procedures to limit how many times a motion may be deferred.  
Staff provided statistics from 2010 and 2011 on the number of deferrals.  The 
SCI members seem to agree that the numbers were not high and did not suggest 
abuse.  Conversations on the wiki (see 
https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosci/Deferral+of+Motions) suggest two 
ways the SCI could recommend that the GNSO Council could address this issue:

1.  A light touch approach, i.e. request Staff to monitor deferred motions for 
one year and present the results to the SCI.  At that time, the SCI will once 
again analyze the results, decide whether deferrals are being abused, and 
whether a change to the Procedures is warranted; or

2.  Recommend to the GNSO Council a change to the Procedures that sets a limit 
on the number of deferrals.  The limit would be 1 deferral and the issue that 
was deferred would be the first item on the following GNSO Council agenda.

We would now like to see if we can reach a consensus on one or the other of 
these two recommendations to the GNSO Council on Deferral of Motions.  Please 
indicate on the list your preference for one of these two options (if not in 
agreement, suggest a third option for SCI members to consider).

Thank you for your assistance in helping us move item this to completion.

Kind regards,


Ronald N. Andruff
RNA Partners, Inc.

 [mailto:owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nathalie Peregrine
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 2:24 AM
To: gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Mp3 and attendance: Standing Committee on 
Improvements Implementation 09 August 2012

Dear All,

The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting will take 
place in three weeks' time, on the 30th August 2012.

Please find the Mp3 recording from the SCI call on Thursday, 09 August 2012 at: 
 http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-sci-20120809-en.mp3 on page

Transcript and Mp3 recorded will be posted shortly on:



Ray Fassett - Registry Stakeholder Group  - Primary
Angie Graves - Commercial and Business Users Constituency - Alternate
J. Scott Evans - Intellectual Property Constituency - Primary
Anne Aikman-Scalese - IPC Alternate

Ron Andruff - Commercial and Business Users Constituency - Primary
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben - ISPCP - Primary
James Bladel - Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) - Alternate


Avri Doria - Non Commercial SG - Primary
Mary Wong - Non-Commercial Users Constituency - Primary
Jonathan Robinson - Registry Stakeholder Group  - Alternate
Krista Papac - Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) - Primary
Marika Konings

Julie Hedlund
Nathalie Peregrine

Please let me know if your name has been left off the list.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Nathalie Peregrine for

GNSO Secretariat


AC Chat transcript 09 August 2012

  Nathalie  Peregrine:SCI meeting - 09 August 2012

  Julie Hedlund:Hello Nathalie!

  Ron A:Greetings all!

  Ron A:Thanks for this, Ray... Amusing that a member of our work team got 
called on that... ;o)

  Ray Fassett:oops :)

  Ron A:Apologies for the background noise, unfortunately I cannot escape the 
fact there is another caller close by at this time.

  Ron A:+1 Julie; no motion needed

  Ron A:15 - love

  Ron A:@ Angie: Indeed. This language opens the door...

  Ron A:@ Julie: that makes sense to me

  Ron A:Let's take this back to Council

  Ray Fassett:thanks Wolf

  Ron A:Thanks all!

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